
Guys, I've decided to discontinue my one piece stories for now because I, for some reason, am struggling really hard to write them. Sorry about that, but I haven't decided to completely abandon them. Just for now, I've decided to stop them and stop letting you guys have some false hope of updates. 
          	Would you rather me republish them?
          	I'm really sorry about this :(


@imn0tfunny Good morning, afternoon or evening, a question just out of curiosity, sorry if it makes me uncomfortable, you are not obliged to answer, when they presented the sunny kun version, what was your first impression?


I agree One Piece stories are hard to write! I’m writing one rn but it’s just hard to fit in another character without ruining the story line or something and not to mention the show is long as heck, and I’m also Lazy cause sometimes we don’t have enough time to make a long story like others but I understand I really loved your Sunny one piece book one! Keep it up <3


Hope you feel better! These stories are rlly amazing but everybody deserves to have some rest, if you want advice I would suggest breaking episodes down into events and then making sorta mini storyboards on how you can add y/n into there! Hope this helps and also hope you get your well-needed rest !

AdriangelBuenoRangel I want to share a fanfic that I loved, it's about a Klabautermann but to avoid spoilers, I'll just tell you that Ace lives


@AdriangelBuenoRangel yo that story was good AND it gave my inspiration, thanks :)


Guys, I've decided to discontinue my one piece stories for now because I, for some reason, am struggling really hard to write them. Sorry about that, but I haven't decided to completely abandon them. Just for now, I've decided to stop them and stop letting you guys have some false hope of updates. 
          Would you rather me republish them?
          I'm really sorry about this :(


@imn0tfunny Good morning, afternoon or evening, a question just out of curiosity, sorry if it makes me uncomfortable, you are not obliged to answer, when they presented the sunny kun version, what was your first impression?


I agree One Piece stories are hard to write! I’m writing one rn but it’s just hard to fit in another character without ruining the story line or something and not to mention the show is long as heck, and I’m also Lazy cause sometimes we don’t have enough time to make a long story like others but I understand I really loved your Sunny one piece book one! Keep it up <3


Hope you feel better! These stories are rlly amazing but everybody deserves to have some rest, if you want advice I would suggest breaking episodes down into events and then making sorta mini storyboards on how you can add y/n into there! Hope this helps and also hope you get your well-needed rest !


it's my birthday today guys >:)
          anyway how are yall?


Happy birthday kiddo may the luck with you 
            Also yes rn iam snuglling with all my family
            (Help i cant move)




          I am here for Ghostie and her companion Wolfie.
          I was on the verge of death (I was laughing the whole time xD).
          The screams are still haunting me (The 'Ahhhhhh' from Yellow Man got me)
          Love your story/writing style.
          Just passing by to scare you and say hii~.