
Hi friends,
          	Just wanted to let you all know that I am no longer affiliated with Wattpad Ambassadors. It has been an incredible 5+ years with the team 
          	I will now have some time to focus with my writing and share recipes over at @TheFoodCatalogue. Stay tuned for that x


@Glory_feeling2 I can’t imagine how hard it was for you to experience that. I appreciate your strength and positivity towards life ❤️ 


@ivojovi  Thanks. In high school, I was jealous cause my classmates knew a lot of where they came from. Note: I was one of the 3 Asians in my batch : rest were of the Hispanic, African American and few were of the Caucasion race. Yup, I "shined" through in high school. LOL! Everyone knew the girl behind the glasses! On my Senior yearbook I was voted not only Shortest, but shyest girl. I despised my pictures back then, but I can accept it now. 
          	  I hope you are okay now. Yes, life changes when you least expect it. You are lucky to have children, I can't due to what happened to me when I was young. If you haven't read my bio, I'm a childhood cancer survivor. Someone also called me a Cancer Warrior! LOL. I can picture myself in the armor getup holding a sword and a shield like the Greek Goddess Athena!


@Glory_feeling2 Wow so much history from your family. It’s really interesting to hear it! I’ll have to visit your works when I have time to read. Shucks, I was too harsh with my younger self back then lol. I always thought I was on the bigger side but looking back I looked normal. Having a baby and with age really changes you haha really trying my best to love myself again.


Hi friends,
          Just wanted to let you all know that I am no longer affiliated with Wattpad Ambassadors. It has been an incredible 5+ years with the team 
          I will now have some time to focus with my writing and share recipes over at @TheFoodCatalogue. Stay tuned for that x


@Glory_feeling2 I can’t imagine how hard it was for you to experience that. I appreciate your strength and positivity towards life ❤️ 


@ivojovi  Thanks. In high school, I was jealous cause my classmates knew a lot of where they came from. Note: I was one of the 3 Asians in my batch : rest were of the Hispanic, African American and few were of the Caucasion race. Yup, I "shined" through in high school. LOL! Everyone knew the girl behind the glasses! On my Senior yearbook I was voted not only Shortest, but shyest girl. I despised my pictures back then, but I can accept it now. 
            I hope you are okay now. Yes, life changes when you least expect it. You are lucky to have children, I can't due to what happened to me when I was young. If you haven't read my bio, I'm a childhood cancer survivor. Someone also called me a Cancer Warrior! LOL. I can picture myself in the armor getup holding a sword and a shield like the Greek Goddess Athena!


@Glory_feeling2 Wow so much history from your family. It’s really interesting to hear it! I’ll have to visit your works when I have time to read. Shucks, I was too harsh with my younger self back then lol. I always thought I was on the bigger side but looking back I looked normal. Having a baby and with age really changes you haha really trying my best to love myself again.


          When the elevator finally arrived at the ground floor, I continued to run. The cold tile floor had numbed my feet. Each step felt longer. The hotel entrance seemed miles away.
          My feet finally touched the concrete ground as my nose smelled the crisp winter air. It was going to get colder, and I had nowhere to go.
          CHAPTER 20 of The Other Knight is now up! Read it here:


i have accidentally posted the unfinished draft i have for the other knight on my phone. through my panic, i have entirely drafted the entire book lmao instead of just the chapter. sorry guys x will continue to publish the rest later for anyone who has been waiting for an update 
          tired brain is tired. love u


@ivojovi Heeeyyy!!! I missed youuu!! 


The 30 Days to Save the World anthology is now complete on @writersconnx ♡ It's your chance to finally catch up! Check out the FINAL WEEK from these awesome authors: 
          ✱ The Family by @henry_scott - https://www.wattpad.com/1351214895-30-days-to-save-the-world-aug-23-the-family
          ✱ The Newtonian Twins by @MGHicks_reloaded - https://www.wattpad.com/1347342475-30-days-to-save-the-world-aug-24-the-newtonian
          ✱ The Killer by DavidJThirteen - https://www.wattpad.com/1357274965-30-days-to-save-the-world-aug-25-the-killer
          ✱ The Soldier by @kristianabooks - https://www.wattpad.com/1357275133-30-days-to-save-the-world-aug-26-the-soldier
          ✱ The Trade by @hjnelson - https://www.wattpad.com/1346431050-30-days-to-save-the-world-aug-27-the-trade
          ✱ The Survivors by @veelozada - https://www.wattpad.com/1357275333-30-days-to-save-the-world-aug-28-the-survivors
          ✱ The Grudge by @GrimmInker - https://www.wattpad.com/1354351066-30-days-to-save-the-world-aug-29-the-grudge
          ✱ Billie and Thea Don’t Save the World by @krazydiamond - https://www.wattpad.com/1357275516-30-days-to-save-the-world-aug-30-billie-and-thea
          BONUS STORY: 
          ✱ The Astronaut by @IvetoR - https://www.wattpad.com/1378649415-30-days-to-save-the-world-bonus-the-astronaut
          ✱The Last Testament of the Waffle House Heretics by @BenSobieck - https://www.wattpad.com/1354352442-30-days-to-save-the-world-aug-31-epilogue-the-last
          Don't forget to add it to your library and follow these amazing authors! https://www.wattpad.com/story/338369313-30-days-to-save-the-world



Heya friends! 
          I'm happy to announce that my short story "The Neighbor" from 30 Days to Save the World is finally out now!
          He’s the worst neighbor in the world, but he’s all she’s got. 
          Dedicated couponer Ember puts aside a long standing hostility with her neighbor in the face of worsening conditions in the neighborhood. They each have something the other needs, and sometimes you have to be willing to work with the enemy to stay alive. 
          Check out @WritersConnX to read “The Neighbor” by @ivojovi now!
