
Hi everyone! I know I have been MIA for a terribly long time but I wanted to see what everyone would think about an idea I have! 
          	Our Journey, A Chance Encounter, and Changing Fate are the first fics I ever wrote. I’ve been thinking about, not exactly rewriting, but enhancing those stories since my writing has improved and grown since I wrote those. (Especially Our Journey) Is that something you all would be interested in? Let me know! 


I haven’t read them yet, but sure! XD


I think you should do it if you feel the writing is better now and new ideas yses


Hi everyone! I know I have been MIA for a terribly long time but I wanted to see what everyone would think about an idea I have! 
          Our Journey, A Chance Encounter, and Changing Fate are the first fics I ever wrote. I’ve been thinking about, not exactly rewriting, but enhancing those stories since my writing has improved and grown since I wrote those. (Especially Our Journey) Is that something you all would be interested in? Let me know! 


I haven’t read them yet, but sure! XD


I think you should do it if you feel the writing is better now and new ideas yses


Hey all! I feel like I’m hitting a wall when coming up with new things to write about (SasuSaku). If there’s any one-shot moments or anything you’d like to see let me know!


@jackiekrystine and like time skip to Shippuden when they fight together againts  Naruto and gang?


@jackiekrystine can you write about like when Sasuke was leaving the village but sakura came with him?


I FINALLY got Sasuke’s Story in the mail today and, of course, finished it in one sitting. I felt like I was smiling so hard my face was going to break over the SasuSaku moments 
          I honestly always worried if I wrote Sasuke “too soft” because I like to stay as canon as I can but this book showed me that I’ve been writing him correctly! 
          When I wrote Changing Fate, specifically the scene in chapter one where Sasuke searched for Sakura, I hadn’t read this book yet. Someone pointed out how similar my scene was to the one in the book and I honestly didn’t realize how similar they were until now. 
          Ranting over, I just love the book and got so excited to see that how I portray SasuSaku in my storytelling isn’t too far off from how they are canonically. ❤️❤️ hopefully this will kick me into gear for more stories 


@jackiekrystine I'm still waiting for mine to come in!! Now I'm even MORE excited to read it after what you said❤❤ SasuSaku are the best! 


Sorry I’ve been MIA guys! Just know I’ve got a story in the works and will continue working on Soul Searching as well! I hope to have updates for you soon. 


@Brbr33 thank you so much! ❤️


@jackiekrystine I look forward to the next chapter ! You are a amazing writer !


@jackiekrystine Yay! This makes me so happy! I've hardly been on wattpad lately due to my 2 FAVORITE writers (one being you ) being busy with their real lives, so this is so exciting to read! Look forward to your updates!! Take care❤


I’m so happy to see that you guys are loving Soul Searching! 
          Our Journey has been posted since November of 2021 and is sitting at 5.5K reads, Soul Searching has beat that number in a month! 
          Thank you all again for your love and support! 


@jackiekrystine This story is the highlight of my day. I'm always so thrilled when I get notified of an update❤ Thank you for writing this story for all of us readers


I’m so excited to see that everyone is enjoying the Soul Searching story! I love seeing everyone’s votes and comments! 
          As I continue to write I’m constantly thinking of things you all may want to see happen in this new story that I maybe missed in a previous one. I’m open to hearing any suggestions you may have! 
          Thank you all for your support! ❤️


New Story Alert!!! 
          I’ve had many of you say that you want a continuing story so I’ve decided to expand on my story ‘Our Journey’! It will be a prequel of sorts but will also continue and move into a sequel as well. Keep your eyes open because it’ll be posted sometime today!