
My first horror story: The Figure is out now! https://www.wattpad.com/story/201360354


Hi , how are you? Is there any new arshi  story? 


@ justagirl92  all the best, i will wait to read them.


@amadea15 Hey, I'm well. Thank you for asking. I am working on some stuff on the moment, but not actively publishing. I most likely will not do a full scale Arshi story again as I'm hoping to focus more on original works, but I may add a few more bonus chapters should the mood ever strike.


Few more questions just jotting them down or else I'll forget
          1) how did Khushi reach Lucknow after Arnav threw her out of RM at night?
          2) how did Lavanya and Khudhi get acquainted?
          3) where did Khushi go after Daksh usurped the house Garima lived?
          4) how did Khushi meet Payal and buaji?
          5) why did Khushi panic upon the arrival of Subadra Malik?


Hello Nor,
          How r u? This story of urs was an addiction. So not able to come out of it.
          I have few questions
          1)how did Khushi survive after Garima's death, mean to say who gave her shelter, paved wayfor her education etc
          2) u mention about Khushi's nightmare etc, but never made cear why she was having those and what they were? 
          3) could u do a Q n A? R u going to give us the bonus chapter as u mentioned before.
          Take care. Looking fwd to ur reply.


@jkarayi she gave us answer to these questions in ending chapters


Again MIA Noor?  I guess the writer has lost the inspiration or drive to wite. In the name of writing a bsnk of chapters. She just vanished by keeping us waiting gor more an year. I'm going to take this story off my reading list. Not ready to wait any longer.
          Wish you a very happy married life! May you have a bright future in your pursuit of writing. Best wishes to you Noor! God Bless you with good health, wealth, prosperity and happiness! Take care. Stay safe and healthy