
“feel me, angel.” he says softly into my ear, then trails his mouth down to my neck, and nibbles, harder. I squeeze his coat into a firm grip, he kisses the spot and smoothes it with his tongue. That’s a new sensation that i’ve learnt and my body learns about, like a new memory, i’m all in the feels of namjoon’s body pressing into mine, but i’m not ready when his hardness presses against my center, i almost fall onto him. I gasp suddenly, and lose my balance. He’s big, and firm, and hard. I — i don’t know what to do about it. “relax angel.” he pushes himself off of me, creates a space between us. “no, ” i pull him closer by his collar, “stay, please.” i press his body closer to me, and hug him until i can feel him again. The same sensations are back, his body is deliciously touching my curves, and i’m not ready for the wetness that flows out of me. He notices that, and smirks. But gives me a smile that has me hiding in his chest. He chuckles softly at my shyness.


@kawaixkisses ah…. namjoon, the man that you are. 


@kawaixkisses well holy moly…. it’s suddenly hot here. 


This is another draft, still in progress. If some of the parts feel icky, it’s only because I space out a lot while writing. 


“feel me, angel.” he says softly into my ear, then trails his mouth down to my neck, and nibbles, harder. I squeeze his coat into a firm grip, he kisses the spot and smoothes it with his tongue. That’s a new sensation that i’ve learnt and my body learns about, like a new memory, i’m all in the feels of namjoon’s body pressing into mine, but i’m not ready when his hardness presses against my center, i almost fall onto him. I gasp suddenly, and lose my balance. He’s big, and firm, and hard. I — i don’t know what to do about it. “relax angel.” he pushes himself off of me, creates a space between us. “no, ” i pull him closer by his collar, “stay, please.” i press his body closer to me, and hug him until i can feel him again. The same sensations are back, his body is deliciously touching my curves, and i’m not ready for the wetness that flows out of me. He notices that, and smirks. But gives me a smile that has me hiding in his chest. He chuckles softly at my shyness.


@kawaixkisses ah…. namjoon, the man that you are. 


@kawaixkisses well holy moly…. it’s suddenly hot here. 


This is another draft, still in progress. If some of the parts feel icky, it’s only because I space out a lot while writing. 


He pulls me in a hallway, away from all the guests. I’m trapped between his arms, one hand is surrounding my waist, and the other is on the wall besides me. 
          “I want to kiss you, angel.”namjoon says, voice getting deeper. I stare at him. It’s not even been that many months for us to be close, i wonder why he wants to kiss me. 
          He leans in, until his lips are close to my ear. “on the neck, if that’s okay.”my breath catches in my throat at his last sentence. My breathing is ragged, I clutch his shirt, my bangles giggle, producing a sweet sound. 
          Namjoon pulls me closer to him, when a small whimper escapes me at his closeness.  A low growl - like sounds from his chest. “yes, joon.” i give him the permission, he needs


@kawaixkisses don't feel pressured to write, but when you feel like writing, do add on and see how it looks. I'm sure you'll be able to publish this as a oneshot someday.


@kawaixkisses these are really good. Try to make a oneshot based off on this scenario with some twist probably? Just suggesting. You should definitely consider publishing it here ♡♡


My body is wet, and horny from his touch, the sensations and his presence close to me. I try to pull myself together, and close my eyes, so that nobody can see how hooded or dark they were a few seconds ago.
            My wetness clings to me, i feel it in my panties, I look at namjoon, there’s a slight hint of a half- smirk and half- smile on his face, as he walks us out of the hallway. 
            I choose to ignore the ache in my yoni, and focus on the party, and the people i have to meet and mingle with. 


this message may be offensive
I wrote:
          “baby, we can be together, I want to provide everything for you, just say the word, i’ll give you the moon and the stars.”
          “i…we…we’re not meant to be together,____”
          He clasps my hands in his, his stare persistent but gentle. I stare back, prompting him to speak.  “heal with me, angel, let me heal your wounds, you don’t have to go through this alone.”I almost cry at his words. 
          “_____, i…i don’t know what to say.”
          “tell me how you are feeling in this moment, ask your heart, and tell me, i’ll accept your decision even if it means you want me to leave.”
          His words have already made my heart fucking melt. I’ve never been touched like this in my life. This man has touched my heart like nothing else.  I close my eyes and place my hands on my heart, and ask myself.
          Do i want to be with him?
          Yes! My heart screams inside my chest. 


@Tae_Candy_1996 posted another, if you’d like to read. 


@kawaixkisses haha.. I can understand the struggle T_T I'd love to read them. 


@Tae_Candy_1996 thankyou, i’m finding it difficult to write a whole story, that is not smut, even though I want to, so thank you, i have more drafts, do you want to read them? They are just a little bit on the smutty side 


@SakuLee26 i’ starting to just get into dark romance, and this book is quite intriguing, I have only reached chapter seven, so i have yet to decide if this is the book for me or not. Please rec me some of the books! It’s okay, i’m not into dark romance either, but things change and yeah :)


I need a group of friends who love dark romance, please recommend me more books like the cat and mouse duet by HD Carlton 


@kawaixkisses girl i have a whole book wishlist, i can literally send it to you


@ kawaixkisses  I must say I didn't like it. But I haven't finished reading it, to be honest. I just git to the gun scene, and that was too much for me. XD
            Maybe I should give it another try. But I'm happy for you that you liked it. I have so many dark romance books on my tbr list, but I'm stuck in fantasy right now. I think my mindset is not dark enough to read dark romance :D