
          	How are you all? (idk if anyone reads this. Lol)
          	So sorry for not updating in a long time. I used to like updating these books cause others also read them and got the joy and trill that I got from reading these. I have a lot of really nice fanfics that I want to upload but I don't have a laptop. I'm honestly waiting. Maybe in a few more months I'll figure something out and upload new stories that I found.
          	I really miss uploading stuff here. Please don't curse me for not uploading. I have exams, network issues and a laptop problem. I also keep getting sick. I got influenza, then liver infection just 2 weeks ago and now again I don't feel well.
          	Please pray for me. My health and my grades (I don't want to fail and repeat the semester. Honestly the thought of having to see my professors again is scary.)
          	Bye bye (thanks? For reading my rant)


I understand please take care of your health first 


@kurama_63 Hi,
          	  I hope you feel better soon, and yes we would love for you to update your stories when you are able.
          	  PS the dark lords literary appreciation society is a fantastic book. If you are able to write about his second year that would be wonderful and greatly appreciated. Thank you!


          How are you all? (idk if anyone reads this. Lol)
          So sorry for not updating in a long time. I used to like updating these books cause others also read them and got the joy and trill that I got from reading these. I have a lot of really nice fanfics that I want to upload but I don't have a laptop. I'm honestly waiting. Maybe in a few more months I'll figure something out and upload new stories that I found.
          I really miss uploading stuff here. Please don't curse me for not uploading. I have exams, network issues and a laptop problem. I also keep getting sick. I got influenza, then liver infection just 2 weeks ago and now again I don't feel well.
          Please pray for me. My health and my grades (I don't want to fail and repeat the semester. Honestly the thought of having to see my professors again is scary.)
          Bye bye (thanks? For reading my rant)


I understand please take care of your health first 


@kurama_63 Hi,
            I hope you feel better soon, and yes we would love for you to update your stories when you are able.
            PS the dark lords literary appreciation society is a fantastic book. If you are able to write about his second year that would be wonderful and greatly appreciated. Thank you!


If you don't want to rite storys no more I understand but if so then please find somwun to finish your storys and or let a fan although it would be a real shame if you stopt righting sens you're amazing at it. I Love you're storys just so you know.  I feel like righters should make it a rool to always hav sumone to finish there righting and or storys for it seam like the responsubul thing to do as well as fineshing wat one started even if it's just fore fun and or practice afteral you naw hav fans and it dusent feel good to be left hanging and or abandend.


@homemadefrenchies the author didn't write the second book. Idk when they will do it.
            There are some extra chapters like Canon divergence and stuff you can read if you like. These are written by the author.
            While you're at it, please drop a kudos even without an account to show support to the author.


@homemadefrenchies  dark livestream please


@homemadefrenchies lol ummmm...... This is like really awkward.
            I mentioned everywhere on all books that these are not owned by me. Even on my profile I've mentioned that I upload them here so that I can read them online and also so that more people get to read these masterpieces.
            Those books which are left hanging are left hanging because they don't have any new chapters. I even wrote in the story synopsis how many chapters the author has done.
            Also I'm studying abroad, just started uni. It's time for exams and I don't really have the kind to time to upload chapters. Though I did upload one chapter for Holly and yew.
            You can tell me which book it is that was left hanging and I'll check and tell if there are any new chapters.
            That's the most I can help you with. You can go to the sites to show your support to the original authors.
            Thanks a lot though. Again, not my books. Lol. I did write a few fics but I'm not that great, so I never really uploaded any of my works.


I love your story to for one please update soon.❣️


@homemadefrenchies sorry just noticed this one.... 
            Will upload eventually when I have time. Kinda busy with finals. Idk when I'll actually upload again. 
            Really sorry. You can check it out on AO. The same book name and authors name I have mentioned on the cover and the synopsis.
            Hope you enjoy reading the book.


All hp books are already there on ao3... 
          Holly and yew fans you don't have to wait for an eternity. Go online search it up and read the chapters. Leave a kudos as an anonymous reader to support the author.
          The other books are the same. if not hp books then the Chinese bl books can be read from NovelUpdates.
          Idk how long I'll suffer here, don't want you guys to join me. Pray for me.
          Thanks a lot.


          I won't be posting anything for the unforeseeable future. I traveled abroad to attend uni and apparently wattpad doesn't work here.  
          This is my last message till I get back home. Just wanted to inform.


@kurama_63 that's tough.....get well soon!
            study hard...so that all the pain you have to go through would be worth it....(just me suggesting what I does)


@Robotluv  thanks I'll legit need that... only been a week and am already sick. Came down with influenza 


@kurama_63 thank you for the notice and good luck!!☺


hello! i know the books you post aren't yours (i think?-), but i really appreciate the fact that you post them here, on wattpad, because i don't have AO3, or any other reading apps except for wattpad. (i do actually have ao3, but i'm thinking about removing it because i don't understand how it works)
          so, i just wanted to thank you for that
          have a nice day!


@imsogayfrr Thanks... yes none of these books are mine, I only post the books that are like really good and I have read them completely or caught up to the updates.