
Guys drop your twitter/X and let's be moots 


Hey author! I would be highly grateful and thankful if you complete your book "Bruised" it's storyline feels so new and unique, also you bring light and emotions into stories. I love your writings. But I would love love love if you complete bruised as well! 


Yoongsqtpie copied your Jungkook little space story word for word but changed the characters names. 


@pkmxxn yeah I think they did a runner when you caught them out and I sent them a message! Thank you sweetheart x


I think there account got deleted because when I searched it, it said account not found 


@pkmxxn I messaged them and now I can access their profile. They either deleted it or blocked me! X


Hyy, how r u?


@taleofdespratesoul I've just been really busy. Life getting in the way! X 


@ladyb790  hyy!! I miss you, where were you?


@taleofdespratesoul hey I'm great, you? X


I've started a new short story.


@ladyb790 thank you very much im super excited to read your great work and ive been reading your other work as well <333333333333


@ladyb790 yay! I'm excited to get to read it when I finally get home from work. Hope to see more of your work as well. 


@ladyb790 finally you are here!!!!!!!! Please keep posting i lovee yourrr writing <33333


Hey author, first of all lemme say I like ur work alot u are one of the best author I've ever came across
          Hope u are doing well author we love you!!
          Actually Idk when was the last time i came here to read ur story, in the middle I just left wattpad due to studies stuff as now I'm back again its confuses me to start on this "Jungkook's little" story and "Jungkook's baby" story, I've forgot everything bruh so imma start reading it from the first, so could u pls help me with this order?
          And I'm really happy to be back here author, with u guys again 


@_cotscandy_ ehh where did all those hearts go bruh? :( 


Hey Author! I really really love your work. How are you? I wanted to ask if you will start writing "Bruised" again please? I would love to read more of your yoongi stories as no one writes it the way you do!! sending love 


well hello.... just wanted to let you know something which is not really to important for me to tell but yeah...I still will. 
          So actually I really love the 'jungkook's little'book of yours... all the parts.... but actually I read it like y/n really is a child and not a little....I actually never saw a little before or heard of them but came to know through this story.... Yeah maybe they do exist and if they do I wanna say that its ok... maybe it happens but they say that you actually dont trust anything if you never saw it even if it is true... that is my case.... but your stories are really lovely and I dont know how much times I have reread it. 
          But one thing that I wanna tell to any littles if they are reading this then please dont be offended.  If you are then I'm sorry... it wasnt my intention just letting you know my thought


I'm going to try and read my Jungkook's little series so I can finish it off. I'll try my best. X


@ladyb790 I love that series.. I thought the first one needed a bit more at the end because it just didn't carry on with the plot before starting the second book (left on a cliff hanger) but I didn't feel like it was completed if that makes sense it was getting really good and then it was just left. but I love your books I find them very enjoyable!! Your very talented 


@ladyb790 ok cool. That would be awesome! Love that series.