
i think i have a shopping addiction 


idk if y’all know this but i live in SOUTH alabama, like very very south, and so my family lives on a farm surrounded by woods. today, my dad went back in the woods to cut some branches to clear out the trail to our creek and homeboy ran up on a BEAR. like how does one accidentally run up on a bear? 


@Tota_382005 i do plan on it! it just hasn’t been my main focus. 


@lanstovslver hey!! I wouldn't know. I live in a dessert. And no I haven't encounterd a snake. 
            Quick question. Is there a plan to finish the 100 series.
            Love your books! 


HII so i came from ur pinterest and i was wondering what the Hardship series was?? its looks awesome!! also what TWD book would you recommend if i were to read one since im lacking severely 


hardships is a twd fanfic series i plan on writing once i finish my current twd series, wastelands!! also, as for recommendations, i have an entire reading list of some of my favorite twd writers and their amazing stories!! also if you wanted to check out wastelands by me, i would greatly appreciate it!!