
Hey everyone! 
          	I just wanted to apologise for the past couple of months and why I haven’t been active! I don’t have a good explanation for you at all and I feel terrible for that. I’ve just really fallen out of writing! But I’m back now and hopefully better! 
          	I’ve updated Mentally and I plan to update other stories later on this week! Thank you all for understanding! 
          	Lauren ❤️


@ash_3827 Thank you! I really needed to hear that ❤️


It's completely okay!!! The new chapter of mentally is so so great. take care of yourself <3


@LaurenLove18 Thank you! I’m glad you enjoyed it! ❤️


Hey everyone! 
          I just wanted to apologise for the past couple of months and why I haven’t been active! I don’t have a good explanation for you at all and I feel terrible for that. I’ve just really fallen out of writing! But I’m back now and hopefully better! 
          I’ve updated Mentally and I plan to update other stories later on this week! Thank you all for understanding! 
          Lauren ❤️


@ash_3827 Thank you! I really needed to hear that ❤️


It's completely okay!!! The new chapter of mentally is so so great. take care of yourself <3


@LaurenLove18 Thank you! I’m glad you enjoyed it! ❤️


Happy New Year Everyone! ❤️
          I know this time of year can be tough for people but just know that it will get better! I’m always here for anyone if they need it! Remember you are all loved! 
          I wish you all the best for 2023! 
          Lauren ❤️


Happy Christmas Eve Everyone! ❤️
          I hope you all have a fantastic Christmas! If you celebrate it or not! I know for some people this time of year can feel very lonely however remember you are not alone! My DM’s will be open all weekend if anyone needs a chat! 
          Have a great Christmas everyone! ❤️


Hi everyone!! 
          I’m back! I’m so so happy to be back doing what I love! My exams were stressful to say the least and I might still be a little distracted from writing with getting my results back but as for now I’m back! I will be updating tonight! I hope your all okay and have been over the last few weeks! You all know my messages are always open! 
          Thank you for your kindness!! 
          Lauren! ❤️


@lauren_j17 WELCOME BACK HEYYYY!!!<<3 


Hi everyone! 
          How are you all?! 
          I’m so sorry I’ve not been active recently, I know I’ve let so many of you all down for many different reasons. Writing these stories are one of my favourite things to do alongside meeting all of you! 
          Throughout the next few weeks I will be sitting some exams which theoretically determine my future, I’ve spent so long preparing for them which is why I haven’t and will not be as active! 
          I will try and upload in my free time however I don’t feel as if I’ll get very much of it! As soon as my exams finish you’ll all be the first to know! 
          Thank you for supporting me through this crazy time! 
          Lauren ❤️


@lauren_j17 that's really good! Your latest chapter was AMAZING!!xx


@lauren_j17 That's okay. I hope things are better now.♡


Hi everyone! 
          I’ll be updating tomorrow! <3


@Capjazzz Hi! Yes I am! That will be getting updated tonight! ❤️


@lauren_j17 hey homie! Are you still updating the domestic story?


Hello everyone! 
          I should be updating this weekend! I’m aware I’ve been a little M.I.A this past few weeks. I’ve just kind of fallen out of love with writing so I decided to give myself some time! However I’m back now! And hopefully better than ever! School has also been really tough so I’ve been trying to manage that along with this! However I am so so grateful for every single one of you! Thank you so much for supporting me! 
          Lauren ❤️


@lauren_j17 that's okay. I love your books so much. I'm also very grateful for your support as well.♡


@LaurenLove18 Thank you so so much! I can’t thank you enough for all the support you’ve given me! I’m honestly so grateful for you! <3


@lauren_j17 I'm so pleased that you're okay name twin! You're another amazing writer that I know on this app.♡ sending you lots of love. Xx