
HAPPY NEW YEAR and thank you all so much for reading/adding/commenting of Exotic throughout 2022 - in a lot of ways the story really blew up this year with so many more readers and positive responses. all I can say is THANK YOU, from the bottom of my heart and I hope to have some new bits and bobs out for you this year. thanks for following, have a 2023 (doesn't have to be good or great, just a 2023) and read what makes your heart happy ~


HAPPY NEW YEAR and thank you all so much for reading/adding/commenting of Exotic throughout 2022 - in a lot of ways the story really blew up this year with so many more readers and positive responses. all I can say is THANK YOU, from the bottom of my heart and I hope to have some new bits and bobs out for you this year. thanks for following, have a 2023 (doesn't have to be good or great, just a 2023) and read what makes your heart happy ~


Exotic is so good so far!


@lily_bee omg im more than sure you will! I love reading books like yours they really inspire me to keep writing in the same genre because it really helps people who can relate to you work. 


@MCCXLV glad you're enjoying it!! thanks for the votes and comments - hope i can 'stick the landing' with the rest of the story for you ~


Loved loved loved exotic! just wanted to thank you for making me cry and laugh seven hundred times in the span of 2 days 


@OtakuUpload thank you so much for reading, I read all your comments and I'm so glad you enjoyed it! Love to hear that I hit home with the feels. Have a wonderful day ~


Exotic is quite literally *chefs kiss. The character development is immaculate. I want Aaron to be my best friend though 


@notyawhore thank you for reading and for your lovely message! i think everyone wants aaron as a best friend, he's a good egg. i appreciate your support ~ all the best.


in case you missed the boat, i've now posted both epilogues for EXOTIC - the story is officially complete!
          thank you all for this amazing journey. EXOTIC was, despite it not being my story entirely, a personal one for me and helped me realise a lot of stuff about myself. i'm so happy it meant something to do many of you as well. 
          go read it! you won't regret it ~


I haven’t read all of Exotic, but let me tell you IT IS SO GOOD 
            Like, thank you for writing this masterpiece! Most of the time when I’m reading a story on here I never write commentS, BUT YOUR STORY IS SO AMAZING I HAVE TOO COMMENT AND VOTE ON EVERY CHAPTER 


ce message peut être offensant
hey everyone who has exotic on their 'read when complete' shelf should feel safe to crack it's digital spine and get reading  :^)  for those still waiting on the epilogue, it's going to be m a m m o t h and i might have to split it across two updates. but rest assured, i'm working on it! here's a lil teaser;
          >>> “Do I get a badge?” Max asked.
          Aaron rolled his eyes. “Of course, for the customary straight pride flag. I have one right here.”
          He reached his back pocket and pulled out his middle finger. Max smirked, signed the sheet with a flourish and walked over to perch beside me on one of the tables. 
          “It’s okay for me to be here, right?” he whispered to me. “Aaron said I should come, but I don’t want to step on anyone’s toes.”
          “It’s a Gay-Straight Alliance Club,” I reminded him. “Allies welcome. Just listen and don’t make jokes about bisexual women and threesomes.”
          He looked aghast. “If anyone does, I’ll kick their ass.”
          “No, you won’t,” Aaron called out. “We want to create a safe space, but we also want to educate. If people slip up, we’ll correct them. If they don’t want to learn and upset people, then you can kick their ass.”
          Max nodded compliantly and turned back to me. “Hey, do you think he’ll come?” <<<
          see you real soon, bzzt ~


@lily_bee thanks for your hard work and happy pride month!!


@rxyzia thank you, working hard to make sure you don't have to wait much longer!!! ~


@lily_bee AAAHHH WHAT IVE BEEN WAITING FOR SO LONG I really love this story sm its literally the only reason why ive been logging in to my wattpad acc❤❤❤


I absolutely adore Exotic I can’t peel myself away! I’m not yet finished but it’s one of the best books I’ve read.


Finished it last night. It was amazing!!


@Zeedarat thank you so much for reading! i'm so glad you've been enjoying it so far ~