
I've spent a while trying to reply to everyone's comments, but I fell way behind and I know I missed a few! I apologize to those of you who didn't get a reply. If you have a question or want to contact me for whatever reason, please send me a private message or comment on my message board!


hi! im really enjoying price to pay and I think you’re an amazing writer. just wondering if you’d ever consider writing another rumple fic despite ur last one being finished in august 2019. i understand if you don’t want to though! i can always give a few ideas through twitter or ig if that’s ever needed, have a good day/night! 


Thank you so much! I recently finished the one I was working on. I have an idea for another Rumplestiltskin story, but I’m not sure if I’ll write it to be honest. If you would still be interested in another one I would love to know! 


Hi, I just wanted to say that I think you're an amazing author and I really enjoy your writing! I look forward to reading more of your work and I hope you have a lovely day (or night).


I haven’t looked at my message board in so long, but thank you very much! I guess the world works things out; seeing your message just now really encouraged me. I truly appreciate you reading my work and taking time out of your life to be kind. 


I've been hooked on your stories for so long and I just wanna say I love you and do you have a tumblr? ❤️


@MooMooMeowChan I use Instagram sometimes but not for my writing!


@MooMooMeowChan is there any other site your currently using? ❤️


@MooMooMeowChan I just saw this! I'm so sorry! I do not have a Tumblr; I departed from the platform about two years ago.