
Say It by Donna Ashworth 'LIFE'
          	Never be afraid
          	To let someone know
          	If they brightened the room
          	They just walked into.
          	Or if something they said
          	Inspired you to change.
          	Never be embarrassed
          	To share a compliment with a stranger
          	And don’t ever fall into the trap of believing
          	That the people you love know that.
          	Say it.
          	Always say it.
          	Your words may land a little awkwardly at first
          	But in the dark of the night
          	Those seeds will plant themselves
          	Into someone’s mental garden
          	And start to germinate
          	Gather strength and bloom.
          	Sow seeds wherever you go.
          	There is nothing better you can do with your words
          	than plant a precious seed. 
          	Hi, this post is completely random, but I thought of sharing my favorite poem as I finished responding to everyone in my inbox yesterday. And Lous? Your thoughtful messages have reminded me why I love this poem. I may not say it often as I have never been so vocal, but I wanted you to know how I am always grateful to all of you, and I know that I'll be regretful if I ever miss the opportunity to tell you this: the line of Ms. Rielle from Chapter 30, "Your kindness made me still stay, I wanted you to know how your kindness made someone stay," is actually created while I am reading your messages. You have inspired me to create that line, and I'm actually happy that I was able to share it now with all of you. I'll see you around, okay? Keep reading books, Lous.
          	Grateful, always,


@lxvxse We love you and thank you for sharing this, Ms. A!


We love youu ♡