

Hey! I've been a long time fan of Ace of Queens series and have religiously followed it. I absolutely fell in love with the way you've developed the story and the characters. You're on my list of the writers I admire as I, myself, am preparing to write a story. It's a royal revenge saga set in ancient India. I haven't even started on the first draft yet, but I aspire for it to be as well written as your stories. 


@PotterheadPirate thank you so much for your kind words, I wish you nothing but the best on your book journey, it is truly a magical experience that is very easy to get addicted to, all the best my love 


Joined wattpad 2 years ago, one of the first book was yours, got obsessed lmao and now i own multiple copies of ur book! IM SO HAPPY TO SEE YOU’RE HERE!
          Keep going! Ill always be back on wattpad only for u 


@loushi_ her queen material series’s first book, Wueen material is published under her name, and only the first 15 chapters are available on wattpad, i bought the book after i finished the whole series on wattpad and i couldnt resist their chemistry


@-MoonOfTheNight- marcy sells her books now??


Awww thank you this made me smile 


Hi guys! I apologize for the delay on updates. I am finishing up my semester and I am also dealing with a new project at work. Life is kinda busy right now and the stress hasn’t been good for my mental health. I miss you guys and I promise I will update as soon as possible. I’m going on vacation in a few weeks so I’ll have plenty of time to write and you will get more frequent updates 


@marcyswales17 hey Marcy, completely understandable - life gets in the way! Make sure you don’t focus too much on writing on your hols - you will deserve (and need!) a good break ;)


@marcyswales17 Hi marcy it's understandable....take your time....don't put too much pressure on yourself...


My feelings rn: ☺️
          Basically all my feelings when I was reading Queen Material!!! Bought it on Amazon last week and I've wanted this book for like 2 yrs now and it's the best thing I've read this year. The bond with Exton and his parents, Mavi, Caspian (luv him so much). I've been screeching out loud in my uni classes and I don't even mind the stares from my classmates. I just wanna reexperience this book all over again. Basically(I say this a lot) its AWESOME, cant wait to read the rest of the series, ur an amazing author ❤


Oh my god! This made me ugly cry! QM was my unhinged test baby, thank you for the love 