
Ok so I found a game 
          	It’s called Destiny 2 and it’s hella fun and it’s free on Steam! It’s like a sci-fi space rpg game
          	It’s super confusing and it’s sorta like “idk what the hell I’m doing but I’m having fun” sorta game when u start out but you get to shoot things and feel super cool while doing it so *shrug* :D 


Ok so I found a game 
          It’s called Destiny 2 and it’s hella fun and it’s free on Steam! It’s like a sci-fi space rpg game
          It’s super confusing and it’s sorta like “idk what the hell I’m doing but I’m having fun” sorta game when u start out but you get to shoot things and feel super cool while doing it so *shrug* :D 


Moon and Sparrow are eating me (ʘ ʖ̯ ʘ)


@x-_Snowy_-x o-o sounds- fun ig T-T


@maya_and_georgia Moon sent a video last night and asked what we’d do if she disappeared and I said I’d go find her and kidnap her and take her home with me and keep her as my pet… then her and Sparrow decided to eat me


Last day of freshmen year!! It’s crazy I’m going to be a sophomore next yr o-o
          My sister is graduating tn too which means that she’s gonna go to college in a few months and I’m gonna be all alonnnneeee what am I going to dooo T-T


@maya_and_georgia Congratulations! I'm starting my freshman year this year!!! My sisters also going to be sophomore. 


Guys… T-T
          My sister brought home TWO litters of kittens for us to foster so now we have seven kittens- I’ll probably post pictures later but we need names!! 
          There’s a litter of three little black kitties, then a little four (three orange tabby’s and then a gray one) not entirely sure of their genders since they’re still young but just any name suggests are good lmao


@x-_Snowy_-x I saw that lmao but it could pass as a regular name


@maya_and_georgia Lol
            *glances at Rusty* Eheh- YEP! NO WARRIORS HERE


aquest missatge pot ser ofensiu
Ok guys. 
          I’m probably reading too much into this. But like-
          The guy I maybe sorta like but idrk yet is always smiling at me and making jokes w me and he just added me on snap and when I added him back HE SNAPPED FIRST but also he talks to a shit ton of other girls and ik I’d never date him fr bc I’d get attached and then die when he left :D 
          Soooo what do u guys think- idrk what I’m asking here I just want thoughts LMAOO


I had chat gpt make me a video game and I wish it was real honestly T-T it seems like it would be really fun lmaoo 


I can post it late if u want


It’s like a fantasy game with a cool main storyline and interesting side quests and characters and stuff


@maya_and_georgia Oo what was the game about?


Doing western stuff today lol I’ve already done pole bending and barrels and I’m pretty sure I’m doing the keyhole next-  juniper is being so good lmao 
          Hey man she’s moving forward (it might not be very fast but it’s something x-x) and she’s stayed on her feet instead of tripping and face planting T-T 
          Gotta work with what I can here guys LMAOO