
Hey everyone!!!! (Don’t be mad at me) I know it’s been a while. (A year to be specific) since I’ve been on wattpad. However, a lot has happened. Since y’all last saw me, I became a senior in highschool, I finally became legal (took long enough), I got my drivers license, I graduated high school and guess what, now I’m in college..where does the time go? I’ve been debating on coming back to wattpad for months now, but I always back out because I tend to go through rough patches with my writers blocks. I’ve tried writing here and there for the past year or so, but I always get unmotivated and don’t do anything. So sad of me…But I do want to come back and start getting into more of these stories I started and never finished. I also want to edit some of my older books to check for grammar mistakes, punctuation, etc. Even though I want to come back because I feel like it will soothe my writing brain, I also want to take precautions. If y’all have been following me for a while, then y’all would know that I wrote Poisonous Love while I was in quarantine and I literally didn’t do any of my school work. But now that I’m in college, I’m very dedicated to my work and if I feel I need a break to stop writing, I will take one or two. I also want to start being more vocal with you guys and building a relationship by replying to comments and having conversations about different stories and etc. This is the beginning of my revamping of my page. Don’t worry, I’m not deleting anything or unpublishing any books, just skimming through my profile and giving it a refresh. I really appreciate all the love and support that you all give me continuously. I’ve been on wattpad since I was like 12 or 13 (way too young) and I wrote my first story when I was 14. My time on this app is so special and I love that you all love my work, because it really is a form of expression for me. Thank you for everything and I’m so happy that we’re all back together again. #4lifers (lol) <3


Hey everyone!!!! (Don’t be mad at me) I know it’s been a while. (A year to be specific) since I’ve been on wattpad. However, a lot has happened. Since y’all last saw me, I became a senior in highschool, I finally became legal (took long enough), I got my drivers license, I graduated high school and guess what, now I’m in college..where does the time go? I’ve been debating on coming back to wattpad for months now, but I always back out because I tend to go through rough patches with my writers blocks. I’ve tried writing here and there for the past year or so, but I always get unmotivated and don’t do anything. So sad of me…But I do want to come back and start getting into more of these stories I started and never finished. I also want to edit some of my older books to check for grammar mistakes, punctuation, etc. Even though I want to come back because I feel like it will soothe my writing brain, I also want to take precautions. If y’all have been following me for a while, then y’all would know that I wrote Poisonous Love while I was in quarantine and I literally didn’t do any of my school work. But now that I’m in college, I’m very dedicated to my work and if I feel I need a break to stop writing, I will take one or two. I also want to start being more vocal with you guys and building a relationship by replying to comments and having conversations about different stories and etc. This is the beginning of my revamping of my page. Don’t worry, I’m not deleting anything or unpublishing any books, just skimming through my profile and giving it a refresh. I really appreciate all the love and support that you all give me continuously. I’ve been on wattpad since I was like 12 or 13 (way too young) and I wrote my first story when I was 14. My time on this app is so special and I love that you all love my work, because it really is a form of expression for me. Thank you for everything and I’m so happy that we’re all back together again. #4lifers (lol) <3


I just wanna say that I am very grateful for all of the love and support that I get on this app. I have grown a lot on this app in the last few years, however I don’t appreciate any hate towards me all because of a book. I just recently found it that I’m in a bwwm recommendation tiktok, and I had some mean comments about Poisonous Love in it. I wrote that book two years ago and it was the first book that I ever took completely serious and actually finished. I am still growing and learning and I know that everybody won’t like my books or the way that I write, but I feel like you should keep it to yourself. You never know who might be reading your comments. I work very hard to people please and update when I can, but I also a human and need breaks from time to time. 


@melaninwritess don't mind them, they have nothing better to do with their time therefore they decide to bully someone working hard on something they have a passion about,


@melaninwritess Dear don't let them get to you. And yes you deserve breaks just hope you are doing are amazing in your own way 


I’ve been working on getting back into updating now that I’m settled in at school. I have a free week with no practice and only two days of work and i was so excited to update. And then guess what… I sliced my thumb open at work<33 I’ll try to get something up today tho.


@vwill50 thanks, I wanna get back into opposites attract. It’s been a year since I wrote it so I need to stop being lazy and just get back on it


@melaninwritess .... ooooooo I hope that you're okay. And which one are you updating. I'm excited :)


Gonna try to finish and edit this chapter I have for ‘I Am Here’ after I get off of work,hopefully have it up for you guys sometime this evening. Lmk how you feel about the book so far!!


@melaninwritess You've done a good job evoking emotions and drawing me in. The pace is great so I'm loving the build up. So with that I'm all in! 