
hey guys!! important question here!!! 
          	does anyone remember what chapter Laura asked about men’s suits? this was followed by Luca saying they needed pockets for their guns, and Laura told them she knew—in detail. 
          	I’m trying to find that point in my story because there’s been a few copyright issues with other authors copying my story, and I  need it to report the account. 
          	If anyone remembers, please let me know!! Thank you!! 


I had read this book from about 1 year ago and I'm waiting and waiting for it to updarr


You should put a chapter in Alecto stating that your in the middle of rewriting the book and won’t be post new chapters till the book is finished so people will stop asking when a new chapter is coming out. 


This is probably gonna be long so fyi. Anyways I just wanted say I’ve probably reread Alecto 3 times and every time it makes me cry. I wished I had people in my life like jay and ash as well as her family, well her brothers and father. After the updates stopped I pretty much just stopped reading on this app and would occasionally come on here only to see if there was any news. A couple of days ago I did my check to see if there was any updates and I saw that the author was rewriting it and it would be released all at once. That got me excited so I’m rereading it for the forth time and *SPOILERS* got to the part where she is recovering after getting shot and let’s down her guard to Luca and what she said just genuinely resonated with me. Though I don’t think I’ve ever fully told anyone when I’ve felt like that. On a more positive note… when it comes to the writing I really enjoy how she has all of her brother’s quirks like Elijah’s observation skills, Allessandro’s mask, and Matteo’s mothering skills and so on. It’s just one of the many things that just adds that bit of seasoning that makes me come back again and again. So if you see this my_hazel_eyes don’t feel the need to rush because no matter how long it takes I will be waiting.