
Me try not to start a chapter off with "By the time" challenge: Level Impossible


Woof update!
          I only have 6 more chapters to edit!!! It shouldn't take me long either because they're my more recent writing and I've already gone through and edited for Grammar and spelling mistakes. I'm just going to rewrite or rephrase a few things after I get home from work tomorrow, then make sure my graphics and formatting are to my liking...
          Then Woof will once again be published!
          So exciting lol. 
          Also, did you all know Woof is currently 113,997 words long... quite literally insane!!!!


@bigfatswiftie I'm not sure yet, I want to focus on Oracle first and get that further along before I do anything else. I bit off more than I could chew making so many stories at once lol, I want to make sure they're all written well so I probably won't be writing more than one at a time.


are u going to reupload wildflower?


Woof update:
          I’ve been in a bit of a drag recently. Between work and life, it’s been hard to make time to write. But I’ve been reading more and I’ve finally gotten out of my reading slump that’d been going on for a few months. It’s made me think a bit more about my writing style and how I like stories to be told. I still have quite a bit to go through and fix as far as technical stuff for the rest of the chapters, but I also want to reevaluate my writing style for the entirety of the book. 
          Does anyone ever get the feeling that discovering things about yourself is like watching seasons change in that it happens slowly and you don’t notice until the leaves on the trees are all different colors and you’re suddenly bringing a coat out? Like sure yesterday I might have said to myself “I feel a bit cooler today” but It wasn’t some big revelation- just a casual observation.
          Anyways, I’ll keep you all updated, and thank you for everyone who’s followed me in the absence of Woof, it’s heartening to know you all still like to hear from me. 


Woof update, Chapters 1-11 have been fixed, just 13 more to go lol... I'm dying someone save me.
          Also thank you to everyone who hyped me up and commented on the original version saying my writing was good, you all made me very delusional, but very happy! I hope that you'll appreciate me going back and making sure it's actually good.
          Instead of posting each chapter as I work on them as I had before, I'll be posting the rewritten chapters all at once. I'm making some plot changes and adding things / putting more focus on plot points I'd forgotten about. I think It'll be worth a re-read.


I’ve reworked 7 chapters of Woof so far, and combined two of them… just 19 more to go ᕦ(ò_óˇ)ᕤ
          The good news is I can tell where my writing got better slowly, so not as much needs to be fixed. 
          Also someone made a comment that Florence was always choking on her spit and stuff or just in general and now that I’m going back through it, you’re so right and I’m so sorry for making y’all read that. And the amount of blushing… 
          Yeah, wrap it up ! ☝( ̄^ ̄)


I’m also going to cut back on all the crying… 
            She’s an emotional girly and that’s alright, but some of it just doesn’t make sense (・x・)


Oracle is back up, some minor editing/rewriting done. Plot has remained otherwise the same! 
          It will take me longer to fix Woof, but it should be good once I get about halfway through because my writing got a lot better down the line, so there won’t be as much to fix. I will try to have it back up within the next week or so.
          I’ll likely be focusing on Oracle after I finish fixing up Woof, I think it’s best to take it one book at a time and get Oracle further ahead. 
          Thank you to everyone for being patient with me, I want to put out writing that I’m proud of! 


Took down all my stories, gonna be doing some major rewriting and editing- especially for Woof. Plot should remain mostly the same, but entire sections of text will be changed and there will be changes to character descriptions as well. I figure it’s best to just unpublish the entire thing and rework it then publish it all at once when I’m done editing, rather than make a whole bunch of changes without telling anyone.