
I won't say I've forgotten how to write, but it's hard writing from a male POV when you're so OCD about "authenticity" 
          	bonus chapter on the way insha'Allah!


when r u updating? i miss u guys so much
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I won't say I've forgotten how to write, but it's hard writing from a male POV when you're so OCD about "authenticity" 
          bonus chapter on the way insha'Allah!


when r u updating? i miss u guys so much
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Assalamualaikum ww.
          Writer Sahibah, where are you?


@Bint_e_Azhar wa'alykum salam warahmatullahi wabarakatuhu, I work at a school! the end of year is the busiest! I'm working on a bonus chapter! it's Mubashir's POV
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You write very real things and in the most beautiful way possible. Your writing and the things you chose to pen down has touched my heart. I am not exaggerating this but really your stories hit straight to the heart. I hope and pray you get to fulfill all your dreams and we get to hold your book in our hands soon and when it's best. May Allah swt keep you happy.


@eye_aayesha now I will proceed to do celebratory somersaults 
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@eye_aayesha ameen <3 May Allah also keep you happy and fulfilled, and may He give you the best in both worlds. Ameen <3 
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@AUnty_KisKo_BoLa Mubashir is a pretty complex character, I won't be writing his POV
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@hecallsmejaanu So happy you updated! I can't wait for the plot to develop and the story to progress. 
            When should I expect to read Mubashir's perspective?
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i'm def functioning on India Standard Time
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I'm sorry for not updating. The thing is, even when I want to, sometimes it's really hard to find the time AND the mood. These couple of chapters are depressing with a capital D, and I don't like putting myself in that state of mind because then I'll start hating everything, and I don't like that. I love life. I like being HAPPIEST 


@hecallsmejaanu Hey! You can take all the time you need, just wanted to let you know how excited I am for the update. I'll be eagerly waiting:)
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I too, want to get to the chaotic parts where we'll be doubling over with laughter and annoyance and the IRONY of thingssss
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