
A very very long epilogue awaits you! 
          	Happy reading :)


Y’all the epilogue is never ending, it will be a very long chapter so be prepared, I think I can’t get enough of Nik and Nate and the whole fam *emotional tears* 
          I am on the very last scene though, so it will be up very soon ;) 


@pumpkinyara I'm anxiously waiting for it...
            Thank you 


@rose3vianca cara didn’t let him xD


@pumpkinyara oh there's no bachelor party by Alex xD


I am halfway done with "Unrveling Him"'s epilogue, so maybe the next update will be faster than expected. 
          Here is a little teaser till then: 
          "I should hang up, Sarah is scolding me for talking to you," she murmured, a hint of reluctance coloring her tone.
          "Yeah," A low sigh parted my lips, "And I should go and wait for you at the altar," I said, nervousness fluttering in my chest again. 
          "Yeah, I'll be the one in white, by the way," She reminded me.
          My smile grew wider, "Yeah, I am sure it won't be that hard to spot you," I said. 
          Nik and Nate are just so adorable together xD


@pumpkinyara Please give us bonus chapters on Unraveling him....


@pumpkinyara can't wait for this epilogue!!! 


@pumpkinyara i cant wait for it…


Hey, I know you all are waiting for BR’s next chapter, I hadn’t had time to write over the past two weeks, but I started the chapter today, so hopefully it will be up this weekend. 
          For now, here is a teaser: 
          Lilly’s POV 
          “What are you doing here?” 
          Lines etched his forehead as he gazed at me, almost like he himself doesn’t understand why, “I am not sure,” Nathan said, “I mean usually I don’t like you,” He said, ever straight forward, “I still don’t.” 
          My eyebrow raised and I crossed my arms over my chest, receiving his insults, “I mean you are like my least favorite person in the world, so I am confused,” He added, tilting his head as he stared at me, like I am a puzzle he can’t solve. 
          “Confused?” I asked. 
          He nodded, “Yeah, why did I feel bad when you got hurt?” He asked me, genuinely seeking for an answer from me. 
          Oh dear god, is there at least one normal person in this family? 
          (The way Nathan dislikes Lilly is so funny, he is probably jealous because Nik loves her and not him xD) 


@AliceCharles9 lol he is only jealous because the people he cares about love her a lot (Like Chris and Nik). Also the chapter is up ;) 


I hope that's why he's jealous I don't need any more creeps around Lily 
            Oh BTW it's the weekend you promised to update 


@pumpkinyara it's definitely jealousy 


Happy mother’s day to all the mothers out there and to our fictional mothers as well, even to Leya xD
          I was supposed to upload BR’s new chapter today but didn’t have much free time this weekend and only finished it halfway, so it will be up somewhere over the next week, stay tuned! 
          Meanwhile, I will be uploading some teasers, here is a short one. 
          Nathan’s POV (this is the big Nathan btw xD) 
          “Where were you?” Nikolas asked, his gaze never once leaving the book in his hands, reading through something. 
          “In the bathroom,” I said, going for the easiest lie as I leaned into my seat. 
          “There is lipstick on your neck, Nathan,” he said, ever so casually, never once looking at me. 


@ashtara2012 lol they are so troubling xD may god help you


@pumpkinyara leya deserves a wish! And I'm wishing myself on behalf of Chase and Nathan lol! They gave me premature grey hairs xD


@rose3vianca heheh maybe xD 
            Nathan jr took after his father and mother ;)
            (  ̳• · • ̳)
            /    づ♡ 


this message may be offensive
Look what I found in my drafts about Nik and Nate xD
          "What's wrong?!" I asked in panic, my eyes widening at the downfall of tears spilling down her cheeks.
          She hicupped a sob, sniffling, "Everything," She mumbled and her cries became louder and I was one second away from losing my mind.
          "The...the baby?" I asked, my heart skipping a beat at the mere thought.
          She glared at me through her tears and shook her head, "No, stupid, the baby is fine," She sniffled, wiping at her nose and cheeks, pouting as she looked down, "My shoes..."
          And her cries got loud again. What the hell is happening?
          "I can't tie my shoe," She added while crying, another sob erupting from her lips, "I am too big, I can't bend down anymore," She buried her face in her hand, "My shoes..."
          The fuck, "Uh, it's okay," I crouched down by her side, "That's what I am here for," I said careful as I tied her shoelaces. She stared down at me with her red cheeks and pouty lips.
          "You're my hero," She said, ever so seriously as she carressed my hair.
          (I have a couple little scenes like this, should i publish them here on my feed, as well?) 


@pumpkinyara Thank you  
            Great books❤️


@Jsamoril unraveling him’s epilogue will most probably be up next week :) 


@pumpkinyara When will the next chapters be up.?
            You mentioned BR but not Unraveling him....


I want an epilogue with Natalie's pregnancy journey or something 


@akorfagh124 we’ll have that as a bonus chapter, as the epilogue will be mainly about their wedding but I plan to write a bonus chapter about Nate’s pregnancy journey and giving birth and all


A little teaser for “Blue Ribbon”: 
          “You’re feeling all okay, right?” Chase checked once more, his eyes closely inspecting me, “And nothing is hurting you?” He added.
          I nodded my head, a bit confused, “Yeah.” 
          “You know that I love you, right?” He checked once more, and I nodded my head with a smile, “I know.” 
          “And that I respect you,” he added, his out-of-the-blue words giving me a whiplash. I nodded again, “Yeah, I know.” 
          “Great,” He said, “Because for the next hour, it’s going to look like I don’t.” 
          (I mean we should at least have one more sex scene before the book ends xD) 
          Would you want a mature scene for both “Unraveling Him” & “Blue Ribbon” before they end? 
          Vote “yes” or “no” ;) 


@free_soul_c it’s been long since I wrote about alex jr. XD i should try to again


@pumpkinyara A BIG yes please for Chase & Lily


@pumpkinyara Alex also wants it... it's been so long since we saw Alex Jr in action