
That wattpad sh!t , again delete my story (toxic married life) .....
          	But no worries I'm gonna post again , after few days . 


Please uload chapter 5 of "What I Did?" please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please 


@purple__gray99 Please update, it has been a long time you didn't update "What I Did Wrong?" 


Hi, there! Hoping not to bother you, yet I felt like dropping a quick request to you. 
          Specifically, I've started a book called, "Cherishing The Nonpareil Existence", as fanfiction about BTS. 
          If you could spare your moment to check it out, that'd be highly appreciated and if you choose not to, that's also acceptable. I merely had a thought in mind. 
          Thank you! Have a pleasant day :)