
Sneak peek of Thorium, book 2 coming out soon!  
          	Y'all would be screaming in ya seats!  


Hello!. Sorry to post here without your permission.  But can you please give this story a chance if you have time? I am also prepared to accept any constructive criticism. Thank you.
          Have you ever thought that your childhood crush would be so intoxicating that never give a chance to like anybody else?  This is madness right? 
          This story is about Aliya and her eternal crush Tahmeed.


Hello guys! Sorry for bothering Excited to know how your mental health is, and your ability to understand other person's point of view and also whether imagination is productive?
          Click on the link below and give your mail id in the feedback line so that I can send your result to you. This is my academic research. No personal data will be collected and your response will be kept confidential and used for academic purpose.
          Thank you in advance !
          PS . Fiction readers are story book readers and Non fiction readers are people who reads biographies, spiritual books, Self help books etc books with factual information 


Assalamualaikum , hi I am one of ur BEING HIS HALAL readers and I loved your story it was amazing loved the storyline and how everything is portrayed. Totally loved it and I was just hoping about what about KEEPING IT HALAL ? not to pressurise but I was really curious


Wa aleikim salam.  I’m really overwhelmed by your message. Thank you so much for reading. It was originally supposed to be out this year June but I have been occupied. I’m a medical student so it isn’t exactly easy to balance the two. However, I’m making a promise and may Allah SWT allow me to keep it, that by January next year, ‘Keeping it Halal’ would be published. I sincerely apologize for the delay. 