
hi i didn’t think i’d have to say this, but please don’t associate me with people i once followed/supported but do not anymore 
          	the people i interact with and associate myself with now are different, and if i don’t follow someone that you know i USED to be friends with, then it mean we aren’t friends anymore. i associate myself with the people i currently follow, especially the people closer to the top of my follow list, so please stop bringing up past users to me 
          	thank you <3 and i’ll finish my books soon


@realityphantom YOOOOO IM VERYY LATE


@realityphantom  i hope people don't mention them anymore even  though i don't even know anything about what's going on but please be well ≤3 i hope people will be considerate about ur feelings yk guys whoever mentioned Alice's used to be friends pls don't since she doesn't like it there is a reason they're her used to be friends so please respect her feelings


@realityphantom Sorry to hear that .. it's very inconsiderate especially knowing the fact that you're gonna leave soon , Plz ignore those that do things that may aggravate you :)


Hey, I was just rereading your books. And they gave me so much nostalgia.
          You’re probably out working, or with your significant other maybe. 
          But please remember us, and all the works and books you have done!!
          You were doing amazing, and always will be doing amazing. 
          Back in 2021, I remember reading all of your books on repeat, and I also remember when you had replied to one of my texts on discord.
          I miss you dearly, Alice. And thank you for cheering me up when I was at my worst. - Sumi.


We need delinquents 2.


Really!? I never knew, time to cry now


@Aubreywit123 wait deadass? I didn't know since when!?


you probably dont remember me but i was once a member in the discord server that you made in like 2020 - 21 (?) idk my perception of time is kinda skewed hehe but yeah, i have a copy of the alice flag that the others made and i just wanna say that you guys really made quarantine life less like hell :)) i still have the shared docs that the server had when they were fighting for wife #1 spot