
Subhan Allah, today I was writing a prologue for Mu'awiyah Holmes, I decided to change beginning chapters of the book - just minor details. The change won't be publicised except later on. In Shaa Allah. 
          	Anyways, so I started with a short prologue and right after that, I went to revise Surah at-Tawbah - my revision portion. 
          	And Subhan Allah! The two verses on the 4th page were exactly related to the chapter. Furthermore, these verses inspired me to add in more details to the chapter.
          	Subhan Allahi Wabihamdihi. 
          	These are my inspirations as an author! Stories of the companions, seeking knowledge, narrations and verses. بفضل الله عزوجل


Subhan Allah, today I was writing a prologue for Mu'awiyah Holmes, I decided to change beginning chapters of the book - just minor details. The change won't be publicised except later on. In Shaa Allah. 
          Anyways, so I started with a short prologue and right after that, I went to revise Surah at-Tawbah - my revision portion. 
          And Subhan Allah! The two verses on the 4th page were exactly related to the chapter. Furthermore, these verses inspired me to add in more details to the chapter.
          Subhan Allahi Wabihamdihi. 
          These are my inspirations as an author! Stories of the companions, seeking knowledge, narrations and verses. بفضل الله عزوجل


Assalāmu 'Alaykum.
          I just had to share it with my Mu'awiyah Holmes readers! Subhān Allah.
          One of the best scenes that I wrote became a reality Subhān Allah!!! Can you believe it? 
          The part where Abdul-Barr & Mu'awiyah meet and agree to be study partners. I found as dedicated partner as I've made Abdul-Barr Subhān Allah. I'm so so happy! 
          I told my said partner this and she said: 
          "How do we say creativity coupled up with accepted Duas?"
          And do you know the best thing? Just like Abdul-Barr found Mu'awiyah through his notes, my partner found me through a comment I left an year and half ago, I was in search of a dedicated partner. 
          Even though, our meeting was online and she didn't technically find me through the same platform like Abdul-Barr and Mu'awiyah, BUT SUBHĀN ALLAH.


@reflectivewryter Alhamdulillah ukhty! Hehe, feel free to take my help if ever needed In Shaa Allah! May Allah reward you ♡


@reflectivewryter Masha Allah I'm so happy for you! I wish that I had a study partner like that too! But, at 66 years old, it's okay if I don't have one! ;)


Assalamu Alaykum, 
          Alhamdulillah, new chapter of Mu'awiyah Holmes is ready. I was about to post it just yesterday but Subhan Allah, I wanted to have clear knowledge of something before posting it. Alhamdulillah, recieved my answer so will post the chapter in few hours, In Shaa Allah. 


Yeah I just want to know that if a writer write book that not in boundaries in Islam so he or she gets punishment after death of reader's read her or him written book ....


@Loveyboy1 we cannot declare punishment because that's only Allah knows about. However we should always remember that whatever we do, say or write - everything is being recorded and Allah would put forward our recorders on the day of Judgement and put them on scales. And Allah will also question us about time and we did with it. So if we're wasting our time writing a ff, and it has something that goes against our Religion then it is worthless. If we are proud of being a Muslim and love Islam dearly then we won't even go near these things that disbelievers do. 


POEM BY: reflectivewryter. 
          O Heart...
          O Heart, how precious you are,
          How fragile you are, 
          And yet, how good of a fighter you are, 
          Strange is your case, for your fight is with yourself, 
          I'm in awe of your condition, you are free when imprisoned, and you are imprisoned when set free,
          Your doors shall never be opened, lest lurking devils and his enemies enter through, 
          A pinhole is danger to your purity, it is a threat to your safety,
          Beware o Heart, never open your doors, 
          Lest you become imprisoned by the shackles of the devils and delusions of the Dunya,
          Take heed o Heart, strive in closing the pinholes, 
          For that is the place from where distractions enter,
          And make a hole out of it,
          Until you open your door,
          For the real enemy to enter,
          And destroy you,
          By trapping you within his shackles,
          You are the King o Heart, and you are the Commander over rest of the body, 
          The King is surrounded by enemies and threats so know o Heart, 
          You shall be preserved and protected, lest you become corrupt,
          For Your corruption, is corruption of your soldiers. 
          © reflectivewryter


Salam readers. 
          Just noticed that Wattpad removed private chats feature. So here to let you all know that feel free to drop your comments or questions on my profile. 
          And - I apologise for taking so long to upload new chapter of Mu'awiyah Holmes - had been busy with my Hifdh institute and others Subhan Allah. Hopefully, the update will be soon In Shaa Allah. May Allah reward you all. 


@reflectivewryter I have given you a message. Can you confirm? 


@reflectivewryter I couldn't find u there. How about u message me? I can share you the QR code via Gmail also I have another chapter ready. Should I share the QR code? 


Eid Mubarak my dear readers, may Allah accept our Fasts, our Qiyam, our Supplications, our bowings and our prostrations. 
          O Allah do not divert us from Your remembrance after the departure of Ramadan, increase us in righteous deeds and grant us sincerity. 
          O Allah forgive us, pardon us and have mercy upon us. 
          O Allah grant us good in this world and in the Hereafter and grant us a good end.
          آمين يا رب العالمين. 


@reflectivewryter Eid Mubarak! May Allah Subhannallah wa ta Allah accept all of our Ibadah and grant all of us entry into Jannatul Firdous.