
Assalamualaikum guys ....I ended up trying something new .It's a prompt entry for Monsoon Season Contest .So if you guys could take out some time and read it and it will mean a lot me ❤️❤️❤️
          	P.S : If you could let me know your view then would be like eating gulab jamun with ice cream you know what I mean right 


@sadaf846 Walaikum Assalam!! Aaaawwweee! I'd love to taste this sweet book right away!
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Update please 


@Fatematuz7 Did it ! Sorry for the wait !
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Assalamualaikum habibti ❤️
          I hope this message finds you well. I just wanted to reach out and express my gratitude for your book "Blossom in the Desert", which completely stole my heart. The beautiful story of heartbreak, betrayal, healing process, and love has not only touched my heart but also brought me closer to Allah subhanahutaala in many different ways. May Allah subhanahutaala reward you for each and every letter you typed while writing this amazing novel.
          I have also added your book to my reading list so that whoever comes across my profile can check it out and fall in love with it as I did. The only drawback of this novel is that I'm unable to find a guy like Khaled Al Hassam in real life LOL, but I'm sure there are many out there. To find such a soulmate, we should also strive to become a girl like Emaan.
          I love how you insert the teachings of our beloved Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alaihi wasallam and the stories of other prophets (may peace and blessings of Allah be upon them) into the story according to the situation so the readers can learn about Islam too. Your book has been a great source of knowledge and inspiration for me.
          Last but not least, I appreciate how you request to recite duas before closing the book. It's a beautiful gesture that makes me feel proud of coming across your book. Being your dear friend is a blessing in itself, and I'm eagerly waiting for the next chapter.
          Thank you for your amazing work, and may Allah subhanahutaala continue to bless you with good health and happiness. Ameen.


@sadaf846 Ameen ya habibti ❤️ Glad you liked my long message. I thought of pouring my heart out in words because it is so difficult for me to express how beautiful your work is... Allahumma barik ❤️
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I pray Allah bless you with the bestest in both worlds and someone better than Khaled be your partner in this and another world .Ameen 
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@contacthinamskhan  Walekum Aslam warahmatullahi wabarakatuhu habibti .This is sooo sooo super sweet .I don't have enough words to describe the emotions these words bloomed inside me .All I can say is Jazakillah Khairan for giving your precious time in reading and leaving such a heartwarming message .Means a lot to me ...❤️❤️❤️
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