
Hey by the way every time you prompt any kind of AI (not use in a session - every PROMPT) you’re helping to destroy the environment. 
          	“Recently, a study was conducted by researchers at the University of Massachusetts to determine how much energy is used to train certain popular large AI models. According to the results, training can produce about 626,000 pounds of carbon dioxide, or the equivalent of around 300 round-trip flights between New York and San Francisco – nearly 5 times the lifetime emissions of the average car.” - Earth.Org
          	Stop using AI. Stop using Character AI. It already steals content from people like me - artist and writers. 
          	If you won’t do it for creatives, then do it for our home. 


Wow. Yea, down with AI. It's what I've been saying as well. All it's doing is destroying humanities nature of creating, using it for profit, and stealing people's jobs. If only people took this kinda stuff seriously. I doubt the additional info that it's also destroying our home will stop big corps. :( glad ur getting the message out there thou, I didn't know about the large gas emissions AI is causing before just now


@samseaa That's honestly so sad to hear. I've never really cared for in the first place tbh, it's kind of boring. But for everyone's safety I'll uninstall it. (I also never knew people stole content from others, that's so rude & lazy. Better yet, unprofessional. Thanks for sharing this message.)


@samseaa my friend, along with her coworkers, just lost their jobs to AI recently.. they got in a zoom call with their boss and he was like "oh btw, yall fired"- she has less than a month to find a new job to support her family (in a country where finding any job,  let alone one with a livable wage, is difficult enough already). If protecting the environment and artists/creatives isn't ample enough to convince someone to stop using AI, then lets also consider the hard workers who are losing their livelihoods so a massive company can save a few bucks..  :")


Hey by the way every time you prompt any kind of AI (not use in a session - every PROMPT) you’re helping to destroy the environment. 
          “Recently, a study was conducted by researchers at the University of Massachusetts to determine how much energy is used to train certain popular large AI models. According to the results, training can produce about 626,000 pounds of carbon dioxide, or the equivalent of around 300 round-trip flights between New York and San Francisco – nearly 5 times the lifetime emissions of the average car.” - Earth.Org
          Stop using AI. Stop using Character AI. It already steals content from people like me - artist and writers. 
          If you won’t do it for creatives, then do it for our home. 


Wow. Yea, down with AI. It's what I've been saying as well. All it's doing is destroying humanities nature of creating, using it for profit, and stealing people's jobs. If only people took this kinda stuff seriously. I doubt the additional info that it's also destroying our home will stop big corps. :( glad ur getting the message out there thou, I didn't know about the large gas emissions AI is causing before just now


@samseaa That's honestly so sad to hear. I've never really cared for in the first place tbh, it's kind of boring. But for everyone's safety I'll uninstall it. (I also never knew people stole content from others, that's so rude & lazy. Better yet, unprofessional. Thanks for sharing this message.)


@samseaa my friend, along with her coworkers, just lost their jobs to AI recently.. they got in a zoom call with their boss and he was like "oh btw, yall fired"- she has less than a month to find a new job to support her family (in a country where finding any job,  let alone one with a livable wage, is difficult enough already). If protecting the environment and artists/creatives isn't ample enough to convince someone to stop using AI, then lets also consider the hard workers who are losing their livelihoods so a massive company can save a few bucks..  :")


Me progressively getting more excited that the next chapter may come out on my birthday lol


@BunnyBaby270 awesome! I have an amazing day!


That reply was spot on, it's my birthday today lol!


@BunnyBaby270 I hope you have a great birthday! 


Hi! Out of curiosity, can you please tell us what the song for the next Chapter of Butterfly Effect is??? I’m dying to know! And CAN NOT WAIT for the next chapters! But at the same time I can because I’ve read the last version. And I remember the promise ring… 
          Anyway LOVE THE BOOK! 
          Hope you have an amazing day! 


@samseaa Can't wait for the "marking" to get out 0||||0


            1) good song, niche choice. 
            2) that could mean a really Nice chapter or a NOT so nice chapter. 
            And 3) now I’m more excited about the next chapter! 


@berryninjago lmaoo it’s end of an era by dua lipa 


Imagine if Lloyd and Y/n switches powers or like features or smthng and Y/n gets red eyes and instincts with Lloyd's powers. That would be so cool OMG


@samseaa okkk, thnx for replying and considering, you're honestly one of my fav authors, can't wait for the next chapter <3


@JunelleR @berryninjago i don’t have the time to write a one shot but you two are more than welcome to! It’s a great idea :)


I’ve been wondering: why is it called Chaos Theory and what is the Chaos Theory  I’ve tried to look it up but I cannot understand that 




@samseaa wtf I feel unworthy of reading ur books 


Imagine if Y/n and Lloyd  both knew piano/how to sing and they did lil duets in events at the monastery 


@BxubbleGxmBxtch I have a feeling they both take the leasing of the cekebrations


I have a theory!
          So you know the song “ little miss perfect”? Ya that song is literally y/n. So I think y/n was the student council president and I think Claire was jealous because of how more popular she was. And this was in middle school. But that’s what I think


@yourlocalbutch yeah! The only person who gets notified is the owner of the board, so even if you reply to someone on your own board but don’t tag them they won’t know (hence why I tag you in my replies - if I didn’t, you wouldn’t know I’ve replied) 
            Also that’s totally understandable, no need to explain yourself <3 


Ah I wasn’t aware that the OP doesn’t get notified for all replies, thanks for letting me know!!
            Sorry if I came off as a bit rude, I get defensive around lesbian media as there’s really so little of it. 
            [ @mono-sixfan ]


@yourlocalbutch thanks for letting me know! (I still haven’t listened to it yet lol) you should tag the op to let them know too 


The biggest geomagnetic storm in over 20 years is hitting earth… last tbe chapter featured the southern lights 
          Im not saying im an oracle but im an oracle /j 
          (Check if your region is in the Aurora path, even if the sky seems black - you can’t always see it with a naked eye! Put your phone’s camera on night mode and snap some pics!)


I could faintly see them!!! They were much more vibrant when I looked through my phone camera, which is crazy because my eyes and the camera were looking at the same thing 


@samseaa I could only see the silhouette of it, like there was a bright blue surrounding the moon. It was too difficult to see (;´༎ຶٹ༎ຶ`)


@samseaa Lol that’ awesome. 
            Unfortunately I live too far south to see them very well (news said low on the horizon), and north of me are mountains and cities so even if I could go out and see them I’d probably get mostly light pollution.