
Hey y'all! Since my Tiny Horror Stories book is about to hit 50k I am planning to change the cover of the book to ace the reads even more! 
          	I was too lazy to make a new cover and was looking for a cover shop yesterday. Annnnd stumbled upon this cover shop calles FANTASIA by @TheAloraConsortium !
          	Check them out, guys! And also stop by my book if you have time! 


@samyaansari_ sure thing , thanks for the opportunity


@KarmenTalks Hey, that's amazing! Please give me credits that's all I ask for. Thenks for liking my book ♥️


Hey y'all! Since my Tiny Horror Stories book is about to hit 50k I am planning to change the cover of the book to ace the reads even more! 
          I was too lazy to make a new cover and was looking for a cover shop yesterday. Annnnd stumbled upon this cover shop calles FANTASIA by @TheAloraConsortium !
          Check them out, guys! And also stop by my book if you have time! 


@samyaansari_ sure thing , thanks for the opportunity


@KarmenTalks Hey, that's amazing! Please give me credits that's all I ask for. Thenks for liking my book ♥️


          I hope you all are doing good. Sorry for not responding to any of the private messages. I will check them all tonight or by tomorrow morning.
          I was busy writing a new book 'Tiny Horror Stories' and it's complete now. It has 200 tiny horror stories that have less than 100 words each. Please do check it out and let me know if you like it!
          P.S. None of them is from other books or internet. I wrote them all :)
          Lots of love <3


Hey! I've read your story "SILENT PROMISE" and it really is one of the best stories I've ever read! Soo are u planning to write a sequel!? If u are then I'm really looking forward to it!


@whatchareadinn That's so sweet of you!! 


@whatchareadinn Oh! Noice noice! Yup I will be waiting for the sequel! Btw u don't need to thank! Your story is just so awesome and interesting! <<3


@whatchareadinn Hey! Just saw the message. Thank you so much! I am currently writing another story. I will write the sequel of this after that. Lots of love <3


I don't think you're still active in here because I never got your replies in any of the comments I made in your book and I really don't know if you're ever gonna come back and read this but I really wanna tell you something....
          I read your work Silent Promise and believe me that book is the best thriller I've ever read online. I mean I don't have words to define how amazing I felt after reading your book. You thought through your book, the storyline, the characters everything was just so well thought and pondered over. It was like a real life criminal investigation going on.
          I can't believe my luck to have actually found your book and deciding to read it. Thanks heavens for making me to stumble up on "silent promise" and THANK YOU FOR CREATING A MASTERPIECE LIKE SILENT PROMISE!!


@havana_ohnahnah Woah woah this is too much for my fragile heart to handle! Thank you so much for these words and for taking out your time to write these really ! I am totally in tears  I am glad that you liked this book and you stumbled upon it.. in the first place !! Lots of love ♡♡


Believe in yourself. Your limitation—it's only your imagination.
          Work hard. Push yourself, because no one else is going to do it for you.
          Don't wait. ... 
          Step outside your comfort zone. ... 
          Be a dreamer and a doer. ... 
          Take action. ... 
          Don't give up. ... 
          Set big goals


Hey guys! Wanted to share something !!
          ⚠Pretty long message ahead, but an important one!
          So, yesterday I saw a comment in my awards book that irked me and I thought of clearing it to everyone!
          What it exactly said was, "So instead of just giving underrated writers rewards who deserve it YALL are tryna profit off us to gain followers and shoutouts I'll pass"
          It also added that the award books were only doing it for asking for followers and 'many more in return' and 'obviously' not as an act of kindness! 
          What do you expect, then?
          Here is what I want to say about it:
          Firstly, do you know what does kindness towards a writer means? When a reader stops by to leave a comment to express his/her appreciation, that's kindness! When the reader takes time to vote on all the chapters, that's kindness! When the reader tries to share the book with his/her friend, that's kindness! AWARDS HAVE NOTHING TO DO WITH KINDNESS! 
          Do you think conducting awards is that easy? Managing 20 genres with 20 entries each along with three judges to each genre; Keeping note of all the writers and their entries, the dates, the prizes -AND- if you didn't know, I am giving certificates too (With their name, book, genre, and place on it). Do you think it's easy? I can't do it without asking back for anything, asking for followers is the LEAST I can do! 
          It'll only take a few minutes for the writer to fill the form and follow me, what they get in return? Awards! 
          I take hours to segregate them into categories and assign them to the respective judges (Do you know that I go searching for judges too and I hardly get them?) What do I get in return? Just a follow! That too most of them will unfollow me after the awards are over.
          Nevertheless, these awards will reward those who deserve it and I will make sure of that! Because I know how it feels to go unnoticed! 
          Got it cleared now? 


@iliamah And thank youuu !!!


@iliamah So finely said! I totally agree with you. Though it provoked me, I didn't want to make it an issue. At the same time, I felt that it would be better if I spoke about it in a public space, in case there were more people with accusations like him/her.


@ miss_ansari  I am not sure which awards you are talking about, but I dont participate in many. If I do it, it is because I like the subject or the judges are people that I like anyway. Also because maybe just maybe someone else will find my stories and read them.
            I write stories not because I want recognition it is just because I would like to tell something. If someone reads it I feel happy, but that pretty much it. If another writer wants to get more followers for compiling and make others read my amateur tales you can have it
            However I will say this in this context. Followers and haters will come and go in this life. People will praise you to get something and slander you for the same reason. The best thing you can get if you want to become a better writer is an honest critique. In that way, you hone your skills. So even if I am still confused about the award thing thanks for hosting events that helps writers to improve and get their stories out there. Peace