
Hi friends!  I'm so sorry for the lack of update for BtS.  I've honestly been having a really hard time balancing life and writing lately with how busy everything else is keeping me.  I will have the update up as soon as I can carve out some time to finish it.  Thank you all so much for your patience and support <3 <3


@sapphox  hi I am a big fan of your work


Your writing is totally worth the wait


Hello! I just fishend Up In The Stars, and I want to tell you how much I enjoyed your book. your writing is so so so beautiful. the way you describe playing the Volin(Me) or chello,(My friend) Was amazing. I Don't know where you learned to write like that. to pour your emotions into your writing. only when I am mad or super sad can I do that. every word you put out. everything you typed in that story, I sucked up like a greedy something, and I am still hungry for more. I have called the shots and am going to bed. I will read tomorrow. Just so you know- Up In The Stars has a special place in my heart. I will remember this book for the rest of my life. Thank you for being so kind to share your story with us all. Also, I would 100% buy your book if you ever publish it. And I will recommend this to my friends. Please, take your time on the next. If you rush, things will happens that are better left untouched. Thank you again Sapphox. May your life be great and your wings take you far. Thank you for everything that this book has ever done.


@SylviaHorseGirl hii I have a question? I've read a similar book to up in the stars but it was in first person instead of 3rd. And I can't seem to find it. Do you have any idea of what it could be called or any recs similar to up in the stars?


Take Pride In How Far You've Come. Have Faith In How You Can Go. But Don't Forget To Enjoy The Jorney.
            -Michael Josephson.
            Thank you again.


To the amazing person who wrote Up In The Stars, I am truly grateful that I stubbled upon this book by chance.It is beatifully written and shows raw emotion, I don't think i've ever loved a book as much as I love Up In The Stars, it has made me laugh,cry and so much more.I would love to read more books written by you, to the exeptionally tatalented Sapphox whoever you are thank you and good luck.


I rarely feel sad while reading this is my 3rd book where I cried but I did cry the hardest here ... Idk where u r y u stopped writing ... I'm making peace that great things take time and are few ... Up in the stars ? That's a goddamn epitome of grt things ... I feel a rush of emotions now ... Idk what's with me being this emotional over a book . The scene where they both were playing the music ... I can't even describe it ... I'm just at the loss of words ... Wherever u r ... Remember u r talented not any ordinary talent but THE talented one . I just will remember this book as long as my cells don't give up . Adios .