
I’m gonna be re-reading all my works purely for editing and educational purposes! Oh boy-
          	(I’m actually just in writer’s block and I’m gonna be drawing inspiration from myself)
          	So if you were thinking of re-reading now’s then time ‘cause I’ll be suffering right there with you…


I’m gonna be re-reading all my works purely for editing and educational purposes! Oh boy-
          (I’m actually just in writer’s block and I’m gonna be drawing inspiration from myself)
          So if you were thinking of re-reading now’s then time ‘cause I’ll be suffering right there with you…


Well what is this a new work?!!?! :o
          For those who didn’t know I’ve been obsessed with Julie & The Phantoms since it came out and even years after my mortal enemy (*cough cough* Netflix *cough cough*) cancelled it I’m still grieving so this is my copying mechanism enjoy <3


I am a bit of a perfectionist but it’s finally here!! The third book of my Bellamy Blake series called Rook is now available!!! You like wild, angsty, and intense stories? Well this is the one for you. Go check it out if you haven’t already 



Hello followers! Just wanted to come in here and talk about stuff. For starters know that I see every comment, vote, save, and tag that you all do and I’m incredibly grateful for each and every one of them you’re all the best ❤️❤️, however lately I just do not have the energy to reply because life you know? Anyway thank you for all the love on every one of my stories and my dms are always open for rants or just ppl looking for a new friendo (:
          On a lighter note, I came to realize I’m a mood writer, which basically means that I write whenever I’m in the mood for stuff and if I’m not in the mood.. well it’s basically trash. So from July I’m gonna start a new method of just posting whatever I have written in my drafts with not a care in the world every weekend. So, you all can look forward to a few more books, continuations of the old ones and more of the products from inside my mind. (:
          And to those who bothered to read all that, thank you and keep wattpading! (is that a verb? Anyway I’ll see you around)
          P.S. Happy pride month to u all! ❤️️‍


Uuuuh I’m excited and looking forward to it :) take your time tho and do it in your pace, we love youuu <3


To all the people who’ve been messaging me on here and receiving either no reply or a reply with the same exact message as the last I sent: I’m sorry idk what’s going on with my wattpad lately I swear it doesn’t notify me of anything these days, I’ll try to keep an eye out just in case :’)