
The Afterlife is now up :)!! Leave me some comments and tell me what you think !! I have brewed over this work for over a year now and i’ve finally decided to release it ! 


@sarahkayy09 Hey, how have you been recently? I'm Bree. I just read your work and I think you write really well. Have you considered reach a larger audience? plz find more in my page,waiting for talking with u!


The Afterlife is now up :)!! Leave me some comments and tell me what you think !! I have brewed over this work for over a year now and i’ve finally decided to release it ! 


@sarahkayy09 Hey, how have you been recently? I'm Bree. I just read your work and I think you write really well. Have you considered reach a larger audience? plz find more in my page,waiting for talking with u!


I was wondering why Love's Revenge is so underrated. It deserves more recognition for its amazing story plot and for your writing style. It is basically a masterpiece I sooooo love every chapter of your story. Im looking forward for more of your works in the future. Hats off to you! God bless! 
          BTW, I'm in love with Cole already :>>


Thank you! I am currently working on a new book, but it is a little different from the others. Thank you SO much for reading!! 


I really hope that you make a sequal to the hybrid it was a great book and I truely loved the ending please let me know if you plan to make a sequal so I can read it to. BTW your great at writing even at a young age. 


i really have thought about it!! i have a few ideas rumbling around in my head. i’m thinking of writing a book a little different, but a sequel could also be a possibility! thank you for your support 


what happened to the Blue series?? I was really enjoying it and I am confused on what happened. I hope you can tell me what happened and I hope you can continue it. stay safe! <3


ahhh i got absorbed in school so i took it down because i didn’t think i would be able to update it often enough 


Good evening! For some reason my first book, The Hybrid, (which I wrote four years ago, forgot about, and recently finished two months ago), has gotten a little more publicity than expected. 
          And while I’m writing a new story (Love’s Revenge- check it out if you haven’t already!), I wanted to get some feedback on what I should write next. 
          While the first one needs SERIOUS editing (since I was like 14 when I wrote it), I have taken it under consideration on if I should put it under construction, but in the meantime for my next book
          I’m thinking either:
          -Hybrid sequel 
          - A Teen Fiction
          - Or another completely new Fantasy
          Feel free to give me your opinions! 


@sarahkayy09 definetly hybrid sequal please I really loved this book 


@sarahkayy09 hybrid sequel please