
Good Afternoon everyone! I hope you you're having a wonderful day. I'm just wrapping up my final edit of - "Willow: A Story", and will be getting it up on Amazon, and in some bookstores soon. I also have posted the prologue & first chapter on here. 
          	    So, what am I getting at? I'm looking for some beta-readers, who would be willing to read it, in exchange for a review, and answering some questions about what they though. If any of you are interested, please message me and I'll send you a copy in the next couple weeks!


Thanks for the follow, girlyyyy! :)


No worries, girl! And I hope you enjoy X-Men Reborn :)


@Discoveringyt As you can tell from my late reply, I'm not very active on here, oops! But, I'm so excited to read what you're writing.


Good Afternoon everyone! I hope you you're having a wonderful day. I'm just wrapping up my final edit of - "Willow: A Story", and will be getting it up on Amazon, and in some bookstores soon. I also have posted the prologue & first chapter on here. 
              So, what am I getting at? I'm looking for some beta-readers, who would be willing to read it, in exchange for a review, and answering some questions about what they though. If any of you are interested, please message me and I'll send you a copy in the next couple weeks!


Hey Rachel, how are you doing? Just wanted to stop by and thank you for adding Stabbing Waves to your reading list. I really appreciate it and hope it doesn't disappoint you. Stay terrific! <3


@sincerelyrachelr oh, I'm pretty alright. I'm super delighted you're enjoying the book. The fact that you chose to give it a try, despite it being outside your usual choices makes me happy. Thank you :')


@uncraftedspell That is so sweet of you! I'm doing great, and hope you are too. I am enjoying "Stabbing Waves" so far, it's quite different than my usual reads, but in a good way! <3