
Imma be 18 the day after tomorrow...


I'm so happy, y'all! My Morgan Davies and characters x reader imagines book is getting a lot of traction and I'm so thankful for it! I've gotten some really kind messages and I'm so happy! I keep getting comments about how good the imagines are and I'm so grateful. I really do try on them. And, even though some of them are shorter than others, it takes a lot of effort. So seeing people liking them and voting on them is amazing! Thank you all!  
          And a special thank you to:
          - @Gaspar_the_deluded
          - @aonungs-tsahik
          - @sasha4870
          For their requests! Thank y'all so much


@Gaspar_the_deluded <3  ♡♡♡  (how dare they???) 


(the Wattpad excluded my emoji's of hearts:0 Wattpad homophobic)


Please, anyone who cares, please pray for my dog. She has been, sorry for lack of better words, shitting blood. And it's dark as hell. My brother took her to the vet and they said that her red blood cells are thinning and that it could be fatal but the treatment is too expensive. So all we can really do is leave it to God and let him take care of her. Please, keep her in your mind. I never do this, but it's all I can do to keep from breaking down right now. Her name is Maya (pronounced Mia). It's so scary to have to think about how she could die while I'm at work today. If you don't pray, that's ok. Just keep her in your thoughts, please


Of course! I hope your dog gets better soon!