
Hi Everyone,
          	Long time no see lol
          	So a bunch of life altering stuff has happened to me since the last time i have posted.
          	Firstly, my hubby and i are extending our house so I'm currently homeless/living with my parents until its done.
          	Secondly, I have started my own Graphic Design Freelance thing so I've been quite busy with that.
          	And lastly but the most exciting of all.... I'M PREGNANT!!!
          	I'm really excited because my SO and I have been trying for some time and he's finally here and I'm so excited and so scared at the same time. He's due 30 May.
          	So enough about me, I have news about Jake and Nathan. Dun, dun, dun.
          	Nathan's book is almost done and i'll be posting from next month on wards.
          	The reapers series is going slow... I'm really stuck on this. *sigh* But i'm determined to figure it out and get Violet and the gang (along with the sexy angel of death) back on the pages.
          	Happy reading everyone ;)


we are still waiting for the next pure blood book


@Baodune Thank you :)
          	  Looking forward to welcoming the new little one to the world


@stefymay congrats on the little one. As a father of two I know the joy and lack of sleep that is in your future. Keep up the good work and god bless.


July 2021. I was on a reading app reading "Pure Blood". 
          I frequently read the last chapters of these books on these apps to see if they are complete in order to save myself time and money. 
          After I read the ending I couldn't believe how it ended so I googled it and saw it here on WattPad and that there was a sequel and it was here!  Very happy about this!
          I will look to see if the sequel is on that app. I don't mind supporting writers as long as it's a finished product.
          I wish you well on your writing career. 


   I read Pure Blood and Hunted back in 2013 or 2014 and absolutely fell in love with them. I've been trying to find something to read recently and kept thinking back to that series and how absolutely immersed I was in them, and, well... Here I am  As I'm reading Pure Blood though, I can't help but reword some of the sentences to flow better, and it got me thinking. Is there any way I could edit them, send the edited versions to you, and see what you think? I feel like it's an amazing, intense, and heart racing storyline, and I could easily see the books being sold in local stores. 


Can i sue you cause your book got me soo engaged that i forgot about my physics finals and am probably gonna fail? I will still be allowed to continue reading right??


@Choclate_Truffle Uugh thats a tough one. If i would've had my finals when i discovered this book i would be in the same situation myself. This book is just so damn good, and definately very addictive❤


I loved your books pure blood and hunted. The plot was amazing and so addictive. I never really read sequels because they are not always as great as the first but yours was. I couldn't put it down. I would love to see more of Snow and the gang or even a spin off with Samantha and Quinn. I hope everything is well and can't wait to read your other works.