
hi all
          	as you know, if you follow me from 2018-2019 i used to write stranger things fanfics but no longer do and i made the decision to remove them. 
          	despite the love and insane amount of reads (which i will be forever grateful for) i just wasn't comfortable keeping them up. they don't represent who i am anymore and during the time i was updating them they became more of an emotional outlet than a one shot series. 
          	i apologise to anyone who was reading them or who still even after four years liked to reread :
          	i am forever grateful for the platform that i had back then, words can’t express how much it means to have had that opportunity. 


hello!!! just added your story to my reading list :) if you’re interested in queer stories, romance, realistic fiction, or relatable stories with a hopeful ending i’d be more than happy to do a genuine readforread. may also be interesting if you’re looking for accurate daddy/mommy issues representation. i’ll even leave a review on your board and in your comments. just let me know! ranked #2 in realworld and updates are weekly ;)) 


hi all
          as you know, if you follow me from 2018-2019 i used to write stranger things fanfics but no longer do and i made the decision to remove them. 
          despite the love and insane amount of reads (which i will be forever grateful for) i just wasn't comfortable keeping them up. they don't represent who i am anymore and during the time i was updating them they became more of an emotional outlet than a one shot series. 
          i apologise to anyone who was reading them or who still even after four years liked to reread :
          i am forever grateful for the platform that i had back then, words can’t express how much it means to have had that opportunity. 


so this is a pretty important announcement 
          as you may know i am very slowly updating my last one shot book, also am in year 12 so it's not as high on my list of priorities as i would like but am doing my best with the time i have.
          as well as that i have made the decision to transition from st fanfiction into more general writing. 
          there still may be fanfiction just not as prominent because I go through writing phases, the point of this is that I am writing a new non-fan fiction book that I am going to publish soon and its very different but I really like it.
          in saying this I am really interested in knowing what kind of stories you guys would like to see from me because writing is my life and means the world to me, as does your support.
          (also by no means does this mean I will stop writing fan fiction)
          so I hope you will continue to follow me on this new chapter of our story,
          with all my love x


 your one shot books are really good. Whatever you write i’ll read it 




@beautiful__travesty YAYYYYYY Thats wonderful! 




my first one shot book has been deleted from wattpad, i can’t even begin to explain how upset this makes me or why it would be removed/ reported. my fourth has also been removed and i don’t know what to do, i am genuinely heartbroken and lost on what to do now, i had so much planned and it all seems wasted now 


@beautiful__travesty makes sense, also that’s great to hear! ❤️


@derillo3tears i just got my first one back too, it was an app wide glitch but they fixed it now :)


@beautiful__travesty I think it might just be with them being underage and Wattpad is like “oh this is too sexual” and deletes it which I find total bogus but it’s great you got it back