
Hey you guys, so someone messaged me and asked if they could translate The Seahorse Experiment into Portugese! I told them it was fine as long as credits were given. They havent posted anything yet but once they do i will link the story. So if anyone’s native language is Portugese and youd like to read that story in your native tongue its coming soon! 



Hey you guys, so someone messaged me and asked if they could translate The Seahorse Experiment into Portugese! I told them it was fine as long as credits were given. They havent posted anything yet but once they do i will link the story. So if anyone’s native language is Portugese and youd like to read that story in your native tongue its coming soon! 


Not anything amazing but i was going back and rereading Elegant Armageddon and two things occured to me: one, i think i might retry making that fourth and final book. The story feels a little incomplete and un-rounded. Is it needed? No, but there was a lot of Elbaskin history and culture i was gonna go into and some stuff didnt have a definite closure. When will i do this? I dunno. But look for it. 
          The other thing is that Dawaen reminds me of John Bender from the Breakfast Club when he’s talking about his lot in life. That sardonic, cynical woe-is-me but dont-you-dare-feel-sorry-for-me vibe. Hes a fun trip 


So with the story nameless fear what chapter gonna have the stomach burst that is in the tags or did I miss it in another chapter?


@KevinKocher sure thing. It should be in the next section of the story so, soon 


To past and future readers of my Fullmetal Alchemist fanfiction BROKEN:
          I wanted to apologize and announce that Chapter 6 now has a TRIGGER WARNING due to the content that is brought up later in the chapter having to deal with sexual issues. I had many comments about it being 'hard to read' and for some reason it didn't click for the reason. If anyone was affected by this issues, I am deeply sorry about this and will try to be more considerate about warning everyone when these things come up. Thanks to all those who have read and to those who will read! 
          PS: if there are any other parts of that book than need TWs, please message me and i will fix it. I honestly have a hard time knowing exactly what's what. thx.


Hi. When are you going to post the next chapter of Mr. Highs and wife? I am pinning after this book. Please update soon


@strawberryichigo15, hi. It has been a while. When are you updating the story again?


@ChillinDMason im glad youre enjoying it! And i have to finish 10 years ago today and then ill be posting more. 10yat is a short story so it wont take long to finish.