
Hi guysss
          	Sorry to keep you guys waiting for an update on my books but currently I’m super busy with my internship and I also had to work a part time job to support myself financially.. *cries in adulthood* 
          	That’s why I haven’t been updating at all, by the time I got home, I was too tired to even do anything except sleep so hope you guys can understand that ToT
          	Anyway, thank you for the support on my works, I truly appreciate every single one of you.. I love you guys so so so so much <3


@strawbsjaykay Don't worry love we understand please take care of yourself❤


Oh hey ! I just wanted to thank you about how good u r on writing omg finally I can find a
          the book that I was searching for ( I am talking about enhypen 8th member )and I just want to add that if you can pls don’t let lily date any one sorry to bother you luv u !


Hi guysss
          Sorry to keep you guys waiting for an update on my books but currently I’m super busy with my internship and I also had to work a part time job to support myself financially.. *cries in adulthood* 
          That’s why I haven’t been updating at all, by the time I got home, I was too tired to even do anything except sleep so hope you guys can understand that ToT
          Anyway, thank you for the support on my works, I truly appreciate every single one of you.. I love you guys so so so so much <3


@strawbsjaykay Don't worry love we understand please take care of yourself❤


hi guysss~
          wow, 2023 sure have been such a roller coaster for me and I truly wish that 2024 would be better for everyone..
          So, the reason I went on here is to let you guys know that I’ll be releasing a special New Year chapter for my Enhypen book and I hoped that you guys are happy with this little surprise I have for you guys. It’s not much and it won’t be enough to show my gratitude for the supports and loves I’ve been getting so far but I really wanted to do something special for you guys. 
          It will be released at 12am MYT so make sure to stay tune. 
          by the way, HAPPY NEW YEARS MY LOVELIESSS 


@strawbsjaykay  happy new year love 


Hi guys. 
          It’s been a while since I posted anything here. It’s been a hectic life but I want to come on here to talk about something super important. First of all, I’m super heartbroken at the situation that is happening to our brothers and sisters in Palestine right now. I just couldn’t fathom how is a human, with a heart in their chest could do something as evil as killing civilians like their lives meant nothing. 
          Kids are dying every days. Families are killed. Everything is a mess and it hurts me that I can’t do anything except to pray for their victory. I’m a Muslim and from a very young age, I was told about the situation in Palestine. It’s not a foreign topic to me so it hurts me more knowing there’s nothing I can do to help them. 
          Truly, all my prayers goes out to them. May Allah SWT grant them Jannatul Firdaus as He accepts their martyrs. Amen.


@strawbsjaykay   cried a few days ago and already sent prayers <3


@strawbsjaykay I send all my prayers.


Hi guys~ 
          It’s been so long since I last updated anything. I’ve been so busy with uni life rn that I barely had time to have any free time. My classes was so packed that the second I got back to my room, I fell asleep. Can you imagine having back to back classes from 8 in the morning to 10 in the night??
          Like, it kinda make sense because it’s my last semester before going into internship but this is so hardcore . I’ll be on a hiatus for a while until I have time to update again.
          Thank you for all the supports and loves that you guys have been giving me  I couldn’t thank all of you enough 
          By the way, take care, be healthy and eat lots of delicious foods. I love every single one of you guys <3


@strawbsjaykay that must be very stressful , be sure to take care of your physical and mental health and good luck on your studies ! *heart heart*


@strawbsjaykay please don't overdo your studies , hwaiting ! 


Hi guys~
          A little update on the Q&A chapter. Umm, I think I might have to postpone it as I’m currently having a high fever and my body hurts so bad. It’s like I’m burning from the inside but that’s totally fine tho,
          I’m used to it.
          By the way, once I’ve recovered from my fever, I’ll post the update. Sorry for making you guys wait and I love you guys 


@strawbsjaykay take your time and rest for now :)


@strawbsjaykay omg take care, health always comes first, dont worry about it until you have completely healed k?


@strawbsjaykay that's fine, rest well and hope you recover quickly also take care of your self 