
Happy Wednesday everyone! 
          	I hope you enjoy my new short story, an original I wrote last year! :)


So I haven't opened Wattpad in like 6 months..oops.
          A few updates, some good some sad :)
          /Future plans\
          • I'd like to post more short stories! I took a writers craft course in my last semester of high school, and really loved it. I learned so much about writing, and specifically my style. I fell in love with short stories, it's such a fun style and I think it's truly the type of writing I excell at. So, sometime soon you might see those pop up! They're a quick read and I like to think my writing has improved a lot since I joined Wattpad, so if you also like short stories, give them a read! 
          /Story discontinuation\
          • Unfortunately, I've decided to discontinue my THG fanfic series. It's a tough decision, and I've loved that series for years now, but with going into college, I simply don't have the time or energy to continue it. I haven’t even opened it in months. It hurts, as I still had so many ideas for it, but honestly, it was better left as a one off. I didn't plan far enough ahead to make it a full series, and I never expected it to get the love it got. I'll leave them both up, and maybe sometime in the future I'll revisit it. But for now, they'll stay up as is, and I hope people can still enjoy the books without the knowledge of what happens next. It was an honour to be the creator of one of my own comfort characters, and Lola will always have my heart <3


I'd just like to say that as a Canadian watching American news lately... I've never been more happy to live here lmao. 
          As always, stan Joe Biden the President of the United States for calling trump on his bs. Might as well say it, unfollow if you want I don't support anyone who stands by anything trump says♡


aaaand our president is hotter, daddy trudeau <333
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Ladies and gentleman I got a tattoo. I am now permanently inked.


@arianator_4life My mom already has one tattoo and is planning another, so she has no problem with tats lol (as long as it has some sort of meaning)
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@sweet_N_successful thats so nice :) my mum would never get a tattoo with me
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@fuck_dis_shit_im_out Wow this is really late lmao. But I got a mother daughter one with my mom since we're basically the same person lol.
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lemme tell YOU, your theme is the best thing i’ve ever seen 


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@sweet_N_successful shit girl sorry but my wattpad crashed, anyways i live in Richmond 
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@fuck_dis_shit_im_out Ontario, you?
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omfg hi jamie ! it's tay


@sweet_N_successful fr lmao i never had my notifs on for ANY chat cuz my phone woulda glitched itself outta existence
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@thankueyelash Honestly lmao. Sometimes i had to mute the chat just to get some things done lol
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we were actually annoying tho lmfao
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