
Hey loves, I know I’m slow with those updates lately. My mental health is horrible right now and I was afraid that it would reflect in the book’s quality. I get so lazy sometimes and I can’t find the motivation to take care of myself, let alone write. The boost of inspiration is so important in my writing, which I rarely find these days.
          	I’m trying my best here <3


@sxtansbaby I hope you are doing okay


@sxtansbaby Hope you are doing good and can start updating again


I’m actually going to cry cause I thought this was being regularly updated because I clicked on it yesterday and finished chapter 50 just now just to be hit by the date of the last update to be two years ago I’m heartbroken GURLL OMDs COME BACK AND UPDATE PERDITA CAUSE ITS SO GOOD HOPE YOUR WELL , BUT PLS VOME BACK