
Hi everyone! I have taken down FIHD to focus on my health. It is not a decision I taken lightly, as I know that I've been given such an amazing opportunity to share my work with you guys. I know how many people would be so grateful to have the following and support I've been so fortunate to have. I’m so dearly sorry to do this, especially as so many of you have been so kind and supportive in my lack of updates for so long. 
          	It had become clear to me that my work reflects me and what’s going on in my life whether it is mental, physical or emotional. I’ve tried so so many times to update for you. But nothing I produced was worth publishing and I only want to produce the best work I can. I've made this decision to focus more on my health, which I don't feel the need to go into. All I want to say is that it is so important to be grateful and to always look after yourself. Sometimes, your world is turned upside down. But know in your heart that you can stand up and keep moving forward.
          	I don’t know what the future holds for my book. Perhaps you will come across it in a couple years time on here, I don’t know. 
          	I’ve made many friends and I hope you all gained something from reading my story. Forgive me but I will not be replying to many messages on here. 
          	Lastly, I just want to say thank you to Wattpad and to all my readers, I know many of you will be disappointed and have been so invested in my book since the beginning more than three years ago. I remember reaching #1 in Werewolf, but I also remember refreshing my stories every 5 minutes to see how many more reads I’d gotten, jumping for joy when I reached 5k. It’s been an awesome journey and I thank you in advance for your understanding.


Heeeeey girl!
          	  Stopping by to see how you’re doing and wishing you a well rested day! 
          	  It’s 2020 and we’re about to face 2021 in a few months, I really do hope that you’re feeling well and getting better as days passes us by! 
          	  Take care, have a good day and we’ll be right here for you when you need us! 


@sylvia_young  I love your work very much, take as much time you want. get well soon, and best of luck.
          	  waiting for your return


@sylvia_young thank u sylvia. Get well soon, and wish u all the best. We love u ❤


Heyy, you know your book has helped me through a tough time. 
          I remember a line that Athena said  "Even if life gives you trials, don't be sad or angry. Your heart lives in the future, your present is sad but what's passed and what is passing now will be cherished in the future." 
          I hope you're doing fine!


Hello! By any chance do you still have access to the story? I’ve been trying to re-read it for some time now. 


Hi sylvia, I hope you're doing ok and your health is getting better. I know i sound selfish but i'm gonna say it anyway. I really hoped you just let the story on for the readers to come back to. I really didn't mind reading your story over and over and over. It's that good of a story, and you're a good story teller to me. It's sad. But anyway, i hope you get your inspiration back. Will be waiting even forever. You can always come back just so you know. Take care. .


Hey Sylvia. I'm literally leaving a message here to let you know we miss FIHD! Hope you're doing well 


@Lorrainereads1  I just wish we knew a way to connect with her to know if she is okay