
Soooo I did an oopsie and accidentally unpublished Fortune Favors the Cursed when I was supposed to do something else *facepalms* I'll be publishing it soonest. Sorry for anyone who's got inconvenienced by this!


Aaaaaah Prince of Roses qualified for ONC's Shortlist!!! :DD This is my first time getting in it and I can't be any happier! Congrats to everyone who qualified too, and may the best novellas win the Top! :D


Did you know that I read books (wow what a shocker xD) and that I keep them track online? I've recently opened an account on Storygraph and honestly it's a lot more user-friendly than Goodreads. You can add me as a friend or hit a follow using this link:

          The rest of my socials are also available on my Carrd linked on my profile!


@the-reticent-seer it doesn't let me post in some accounts anymore. XD


@Exequinne wait what? they dont? XD i did not notice


@the-reticent-seer amazing how wattpad let ypu post an announcement with a link. Lol.


AHHHHH you guys! Fortune Favors the Cursed just won in @grendelthegood's Open Door Awards! I've been having lots of stressful days lately so this was a breath of fresh air. 
          Congrats for the other winners as well!


@the-reticent-seer Lots of things happened...
            Bass coughs up blood. "Yeah. And a few stories... hopping." She smiles. "House building... and land survey, being at a.... wedding..., and just... life in general... happened.
            Glad that... the plateau... view... comes with... the cabin."


@Exequinne @AuthorESElias @SuVida777 thank you! 
            @PyroTank Pyro! *jumps in joy* No time no see (or chat lol)! 


@the-reticent-seer  "Hooray!"Emma hugs her blonde Master.
            Bass smiles, "Ya... earned it." She thumbs up. "Heh, I'm... proud of you. Congratulations."


Here's a long overdue chapter from Prince of Roses! 
          The story's supposed to end here based on my initial plan, but if you read till the end, it's not lol. So there's still gonna be a last (final very istg LAST) chapter after this, which I already started. The deadline for Round 3 is in 4 days, life's been hella busy cuz of midterms and finals, so you'll notice that the last few chapters are... not the best. At this point I just want to finish this novella so I don't have anything more on my plate for this year.
          On another note, Rise of the New Olympians recently reached 18k reads! AND Thirteenth Unleashed just got 3k reads too! *double confetti* Thanks for everyone who helped achieve those numbers! I wish I can say that I have some surprises in store for you, but sadly that's not the case this time around :< I haven't even got to start RNO's rewrite cuz of stuff (iykyk). I'm definitely going to do it though, just not now and probably not here. What I *might* do sooner or later is resuming Book 3 though hehe


Wattpad's getting rid of Private Messages. First off... why? Okay, I get that spams are rampant nowadays but nuking DMs is not a good solution. If anything, this is the newsfeed all over again. 
          Anywho, if anyone needs to reach out to me, my socials are always open. Check out my Carrd for my Insta, Discord and G-mail. (Just please don't spam in those lol)


@Exequinne i don't use DMs much but it's gonna be sad day indeed


@HeideHunt right? I mean, did they even think of alternative ways to solve the issue concerning DMs? Getting rid of the thing is a little too extreme 


Nuke is the perfect term to use for this. They're trying to get rid of the zombies and terrorists, and don't care about the casualties.