
I just reason a great text post that fave me inspiration for a short story. Uses the soul mate count down concept :)


Incase anyone has been interested in finding my insta, urs the same user as this one. Feel free to send a follow!
          Sending this out because someone asked recently!
          Also my books at 80k reads?! Last time i checked it was 20k!!!!


Alright my small list of people who respond to these.
          I'm considering making an entirely original love story. Would anyone be down to read it? 
          It's probably take a while but it's been on my mind lately to really try something different 


For everyone still hoping for the epilogue. I'm going to be trying to get it done before 2023 ends! I've been struggling with how to finish it but I think I've got the motivation to come back to the Wenclair side of things!


I'm watching Addam's Family Values for the first time.
          And omg I love Wednesday so much more


@acedumbpan she's a spokes person for the bullied kids lol it's such an icon momemy


@theazar_rn real she’s such a gorlboss


Okay I swear I've done some writing.
          But transitioning to a different college has been an absolute time.
          I just wanna recap the year so it makes sense how insane this all is:
          Ended 3 yr relationship, lost best friend, fixed best friend relationship, started dating someone new, got accepted to my dream university, went to California, went to Tennessee, had like 5 old people in my life reach out, had someone come visit me in Texas, moved, started school, had a few break downs, quit an extra curricular thing, got broken up with, moved dorms, reported a school org, and about to move dorms again.
          Also took 4 tests in 2 weeks. So.
          Hi. I dont know wtf is going on but somehow I'm still pushing through, and I hope yall are too