
I'm gonna put up a question box on my Instagram "no_white_knights" where I keep all my series facts and character commissions, so if you have any burning questions or concerns feel free to shoot me a question on insta and I'll answer them later <3 currently I'm half done with chapter four, outlining the rewrite of WHIV, and taking a break to play a game.


To clarify, I meant questions or concerns about the rewrite, lmao XD


Hello Amelia-san just trying, but I've been trying to look for the The Hyacinth Prophecy to read it again but I couldn't find it anymore, that book is really precious to me and I want to somehow re-read it after years of finishing it~ I'm so sorry for suddenly messaging, but did you post it somewhere, anywhere where i could re-read it again?~


I'm gonna put up a question box on my Instagram "no_white_knights" where I keep all my series facts and character commissions, so if you have any burning questions or concerns feel free to shoot me a question on insta and I'll answer them later <3 currently I'm half done with chapter four, outlining the rewrite of WHIV, and taking a break to play a game.


To clarify, I meant questions or concerns about the rewrite, lmao XD


Raise your hand if you think Bryn should have some kind of relationship with his mother as an adult. I don't like how I made him full on yeet no contact, cuz she was a good ma all things considered, and he was a mamas boy, and the way I write Bryn I feel like he'd try to take care of her if he could, yknow?


@theprodigypenguin YES please! We need more Bryn!


@theprodigypenguin I would like to read that too !!!!!


Kat would be so excited if Bryn brought home a boyfriend omg.


Another neat addition to the rewrites is that Carter's mother has a maiden name that's mentioned because she's dead but still plays an important role in WHIV. Also I'm bringing back the former Syndicate leader so we're gonna find out what happened to that jackass too and learn how Tobias took over the Vienna streets ʘ‿ʘ


Chapter 4 of the rewrite technically clashes with the rewrite of WHIV, so to tide me over for fluffy romance maybe I'll work on that at the same time. It IS shorter than the rewrite after all. Would you guys believe me if I told you the rewrite if Carter and Tobias' first meeting is going to be a hundred times fluffier than before? Partly because Carter doesn't get blown up lmao. I'm really cutting back on the violence in the rewrites.


Is it more fluffy than Carter holding Demi while he cried bc OWIE


It will take longer for Demi to go home in the rewrite, and longer to reunite with Kailas, meaning it's going to be a while before I can write them as a couple, and I am so sad because I want to write them being lovey dovey :(


@theprodigypenguin awww :( but at least they'll reunite so we'll be happy either way