
Hello Everyone, 
          	I'm very sorry 
          	Last week I had a mental break down and took down all my stories, 
          	I'm now on different medicaiton and things are looking a little better.
          	They will ALL be returning. 
          	I'm sorry to your inboxes as they are republished. 


@ukendeavour I’m with them all take care of yourself first. We’ll be around when you’re ready to come back homie… always loved you’re stuff ever need to just rant about stuff or random stuff you’ll always have an ear here… 


@ ukendeavour  get well soon! No need tu hurry, I can wait for your great stories. 


@ukendeavour happy to hear that you're okay. Take your time. You'll be better soon :)


Hello Everyone, 
          I'm very sorry 
          Last week I had a mental break down and took down all my stories, 
          I'm now on different medicaiton and things are looking a little better.
          They will ALL be returning. 
          I'm sorry to your inboxes as they are republished. 


@ukendeavour I’m with them all take care of yourself first. We’ll be around when you’re ready to come back homie… always loved you’re stuff ever need to just rant about stuff or random stuff you’ll always have an ear here… 


@ ukendeavour  get well soon! No need tu hurry, I can wait for your great stories. 


@ukendeavour happy to hear that you're okay. Take your time. You'll be better soon :)


Hi up until this morning I was still reading the highest of office book 1 and I also read book 2. But when I wanted to read it futher it was of my wattpad history. Was it taken off and can I retrieve it again. I love those two stories excellent storyline. Please help a fan!? 


Hi l was wondering when are you are going to post another update
          When oceans bleed the sky. I hope l'm saying it correctly
          Question what's different about this newer version of highest of office
          I see you included Frank in this one. I know your extremely busy
          Do you know when your gonna finished up second tempatation of Paris
          I really enjoy reading your stories. Take your time no rush
          I understand as a writer. We have our lives


@NIkkiSimmons5 - l hope Frank doesn't come between Lena and Stef
            I got a strange feeling Markus doesn't want Lena with Stef.


When oceans bleed into the sky is coming soon. The new version of the highest of office is going to go off in some very different directions Stef’s wheelchair is staying but other stuff is coming. I don’t know about other stuff yet. But hopefully soon 