We all want to be heard; many of us need validation in all it's ways and forms. 

Individuality has been lost in the millions of others who exist. Many of us end up feeling like just another generic addition to the human cacophony we call- the human race.

My poetry is open for anyone who struggles with overwhelming emotions, highs, lows, mania and depression, as well as those with existential crisis and those who suffer from boredom.

If anything, I hope that I can provide people with some of the answers their souls seek. As well as that, I wish to bring pleasure, reflection and strength to all those many unique and precious individuals.

And for those whose days are blessed with freedom and joy- may my poems provide you with truth and perspective.

I have had very dark days; but you can survive them if you let in the light and welcome the night. I hope these works shine a guiding path for you on those weary, dark and lonely episodes we all experience from time to time. My "true inner-self" is constantly reaching out; trying to find the answers to many a metaphorical question. Philosophically speaking- I have no idea how or why I came to be here and living- or what my soul purpose is. But what I know is- I AM. I am what I am- be it star dust or dirt- I AM.

In terms of fate and destiny in Life- I try to liken us to cogs in a clock. No matter how small or large the cogs may be; should one cog go missing or break- the entire clock would stop running. Life is represented as the clock, who's hands move due to our interactions in this huge interlinking mechanism on Earth. Our interactions are consequently what keep this Life ticking- and its hands turning. In short; we are all of equal importance.

In ending, I leave you these wise words from the singer Cat Stevens-

If you wanna cry out, cry out.

If you wanna be free, be free.

Cause there's a million things to be,

you know that there are...

Namaste and... Go with Grace...
  • Malindi , Kenya
  • JoinedSeptember 22, 2012

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uri_esposito uri_esposito Feb 24, 2019 11:08PM
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