
Hi there!
          	So sorry I have been MIA. Busyness has been something I've been struggling with as things just keep piling up.
          	As penance, I sat down and completed Regond City: Misfits and uploaded it in one shot (sorry for the rough editing job). The book is now complete! 
          	I'm hoping this makes some room for updates on Dragon Bane and ACE and it also means Regona City: Noctorious will commence soon ;) 
          	Thanks for sticking with me.


@voif1d welcome back!! Hope everything is going well for you in life. Looking forward to reading all your work again ^^


@voif1d Yay!!! I'm so excited. I cannot wait to see how your stories play out. You have no idea how much this just made my day 


@voif1d yay! congrats on completing another regona book!! i'm super happy!


Omg just saw that you’ve reloaded legend of dragon chapters here, still really enjoy the published version while I also like the extra characters in this first version too! I was just thinking about this series and coming to see if you had any updates on book 3 / 4 being published? Still eagerly waiting for the finished final versions! Thanks!