
Say I were to self publish MBS, what of the story/characters do you love the most about and wouldn’t want to be changed? What about them do you love to see of? What could you do without- and don’t say Olivia haha 


@wantingtofly I just want it to finish lol. I already like how its going


@wantingtofly I seriously have nothing i would to see change, I love the drama, the fights violet and rosemary jealous moments and nick being a jerk well keeps me in check about the school being about spoilt brats and hoping to read mbs and everdeen joint


I love the book, and I don’t know what moment I want to change. Maybe the one that Rosemary believes Olivia that Violet? About the room destroyed. 


Say I were to self publish MBS, what of the story/characters do you love the most about and wouldn’t want to be changed? What about them do you love to see of? What could you do without- and don’t say Olivia haha 


@wantingtofly I just want it to finish lol. I already like how its going


@wantingtofly I seriously have nothing i would to see change, I love the drama, the fights violet and rosemary jealous moments and nick being a jerk well keeps me in check about the school being about spoilt brats and hoping to read mbs and everdeen joint


I love the book, and I don’t know what moment I want to change. Maybe the one that Rosemary believes Olivia that Violet? About the room destroyed. 


I was seeing the summary section for Montgomery Boarding School and I need a new one. I hate coming up with one. I don’t remember what I constructed the first time I wrote it 10 years ago. This time around, I did something quick, hoping it wouldn’t matter much. That the previous readers could find it and recognize the title. For new readers, I should update the summary to something captivating though. Do you guys have any suggestions? How would it be best to lure in the readers? Best way to interestingly describe what they’re about to read? Summaries is something I’ve always struggled with, unfortunately


@UnicornDyke haha same! I just be saying it’s enemies to lovers and if they keep staring at me, waiting for me to elaborate, I add in a “and they live in a boarding school”


@wantingtofly I so wish I could help you, but we're in the same boat as far as summaries go lol, 
            Write a book: Sure, easy
            Tell us what it's about: ...death, misery...the worst day of my life
            But I hope someone's able to help you! ❤️


If you guys could please go to the new “story” I posted. I would really appreciate it if you guys could help me out choose which book cover to use for MBS, please? I’m having a hard time deciding on my own and would love your input :)


I changed the book cover again. Well, all I did was alter the way Violet looks lol


Sorry I’m writing here. Are you getting to finish “Sorry for Getting You Fired“? I also love this book 


I want to explain why I haven’t updated MBS. Besides being busy with life and work, the main reason is I need to decide on which direction the story is taking. How it’ll be finalized. At this point of the story, it’s past both of the previous versions. There’s filler chapters that I’m not too happy with and were basically only written for the sake of updating. I don’t want to keep doing that. So I’m taking the time to get hit with the ideas and motivation to get the story back on track. Also rewriting/altering a story that I wrote 10 years ago is not as easy. I see things differently now, so I need to constantly find a balance in order to not lose the original tone. All while also tying to improve it. I need to separate myself from these young characters who are also not me. Who don’t think or act the way I do. 10 years ago when I wrote the story, I also had to separate myself from who the characters are. I don’t know how it seemed easier back then than now haha Even with so much lack of life experience. I wish I had the eagerness I had 10 years ago for story telling. That + what I know now, would be awesome combined. Maybe one day my younger self and older self could create something again. It’s taken years but my love for writing has been coming back. I’ve even finally found my love for reading. Turns out I wasn’t reading the right (straight) books, so I thought I didn’t enjoy reading. Until recently. Yes, I loved writing but thought I hated reading all these years lol So please be patient with me. I haven’t forgotten any of my stories or characters, especially not Rosemary and Violet :)


@wantingtofly I’m glad you’re okay!


@wantingtofly Best of luck. and we would be waiting whenever you are ready...