
Happy Valentines Day!  ♥️


Hey guys!  
          It’s been a while. Life has been crazy but there’s been this plot that has been stuck in my head for a while that I’m working on.
          How would you guys feel for a Percy Jackson fanfic? 
          I’ve been wanting to write one for freaking ever but couldn’t find the right plot and I think I finally found one.


@Person_of_Tomorrow okay! I just finished the summary/description and the prologue. About to post it ;) 


Hey guys,
          Hope y’all are doing well. Sorry for not updating. Life has been crazy to where I haven’t been able to write. I’m going to be hiatus. I do not know how long it will be. But I need a break from Wattpad to focus on my life, work,  and family right now. 
          Praying you all are safe and healthy. That everything is going well in your lives. Love you all. 


Take as long as you need. We will be here when you get back. ❤️