
I have edited the date in The Kids Are Cannibals from 2016 to 2009, as I feel it should be a bit earlier


@BlueWhiskers1 when I started the story, I basically picked a random date, and, even though their behaviour could be excused as the fact they live in a small town, it still feels like it should be earlier


@xCaptainCl3mentinex wait that was 2016. I just assumed it was somewhere in the early 2000s


I think that makes sense. I feel like kids much more ability to be outside unsupervised in 2009 compared to 2016


I have edited the date in The Kids Are Cannibals from 2016 to 2009, as I feel it should be a bit earlier


@BlueWhiskers1 when I started the story, I basically picked a random date, and, even though their behaviour could be excused as the fact they live in a small town, it still feels like it should be earlier


@xCaptainCl3mentinex wait that was 2016. I just assumed it was somewhere in the early 2000s


I think that makes sense. I feel like kids much more ability to be outside unsupervised in 2009 compared to 2016


uhm, it seems I have a new found obsession with mushrooms? And I don't mean eating them- I actually don't like Mushrooms in food too much. What I mean is, how did I never notice both the sheer cuteness and the wild beauty of a mushroom? Like, who let those little bouncy things be such an adorable little shape? I love them.


@xCaptainCl3mentinex fr tho, I find mushroom adorable and fascinating, as well as creepy. Just the way they grow and dig their deep roots into dead stuff. Makes me wonder what died every time I see them


Until I can get on my PC to update my Bio. The section that says, please don't advertise your book on my board, rather, you can dm me your book if you like, well, since Dms r no longer in existence, what's the alternative? Well, you can DM your book recommendations on Reddit (same username) or Discord (same username). Same goes for any other reason you want to dm me. I am active on Discord and Reddit under the same user, so, feel free to DM me in those places for anything 


In the past 3 weeks or so, I read 12 of @ LittleLo's books. There is so many more books I want to read, but it's hard to stop reading her books!! They're too addictive! I'm nearly finished the 2nd series! And reading historical fiction romance makes me want to write historical fiction romance , which is just torture, bc they r the 2 genres I doubt I could ever write. My attempts at incorporating romance into my novels is always a huge challenge, and attempting to incorporate some realism into my historical fantasies is the ultimate struggle. But for some odd reason, I've decided to read just that. 12 historical romances in 3 weeks.
          Fr tho, check out her books!


Am I the only one who never truly noticed how small the Wattpad Community is? When I used to use Wattpad, years ago, I always felt like I was hidden within a small group of acquaintances, and  there was a whole world of Wattpad out there.
          These days, every book I click into, I either recognise the author, or recognise a book in that authors reading list, or recognise their readers, or their followers.
          The other day, when I joined my book into a contest, I recognised at least 10 users who participated (some, I recognised their usernames from Discord or Reddit, not even Wattpad)
          What a small world!


@xCaptainCl3mentinex This is actually so true! When I was new here I thought this was a whole new world but now it's just a town with some common acquaintances lol


WAAA thank you so much for adding The Dragoneer Manual to your reading list! ✨ I am new to Wattpad and that meant so much to me on my first day!! ✨ 


@Mintkitsu No problem! I saw the art on reddit and just had to check it out. I do love dragon stories. Also, welcome to Wattpad, I'm glad your story has done so well on its first day!


Sorry to ping you twice in a day, but, I have finally swallowed my pride enough to announce the OBVIOUS. I have MISERABLY FAILED NaPoWriMo. I was consistent until day 7 or 8, and then I tried, so hard, but my poem juices are DRIED OUT. I wrote my first poem since then, only today. I had a good month prior to NaPoWriMo which probably burnt me out, as I'd written near 20 poems last month, but either way, I've accepted my defeat. Thought you all should finally hear from me, why I have not updated daily as I'd promised so determinedly. Maybe next year?


Just completed "The Wilde Women Of Ascot" series on Wattpad. Romance is never my favourite genre, only because it often lacks story, and especially romance on Wattpad can be very cliche. The Wilde Women Of Ascot had loveable characters, most of all, a great story, a romance with depth, challenges, and no toxicity, which is also a rare find. It is also CLEAN, wooooh! Another rare find. Book 5, the runaway princess, reminded me of Under The Oak Tree, even while its ENTIRELY different in many ways, I still felt like Elena and Maxi would get along, in some alternate cross fiction reality. David also is a blacksmith, like Riftan! Even Imogen reminded me of Maxi, actually. Anyway, if you hate Under The Oak Tree, don't judge The Wilde Women Of Ascot based off me finding resemblances in them, because they are VERY different. As I said, this series is Clean and Non toxic, which you CANNOT say for Under The Oak Tree, although I love Under The Oak Tree mostly because I love watching Maxi grow past her health issues that she'd once thought would restrict her forever- similarly to Imogen and her own condition in this series. Anyway, I read the 6 books in the span of two weeks, which is pretty fast for me, and I definitely recommend it! Start with "The Accidental Duchess"