
Happy Anniversary to CMM! 
          	Hello great readers of mine, I hope you all are well! I know it's been a long time since I've uploaded, and for that I'm sorry. School has and will always be my priority, and I'm getting my butt worked with a new academic year starting. 
          	I know this hiatus is rough since I'm not active on here or responding to comments anymore, but I hope you know that one day I will be back with a new chapter! I'm just really busy at the moment, so thank you all for your understanding and patience :)
          	I hold CMM dearly to my heart and hope to one day finish the story with justice and an amazing ending that it deserves. Until then, I hope you all enjoy rereading chapters and look forward to what's to come in the future. Writing will always be a passion and I will finish this story no matter how long it takes me to write it. 
          	Happy anniversary to this wonderful story and thank you all for being here for the ride. No matter if you were here in the beginning or just found the book, thank you for giving it a chance <3
          	See you in the next update, whenever that is!
          	- xQueenx


Girl. Relax. Take your time, focus on school. Cause you are very much right that school comes first. I am happy rereading all the chapters over and over again. I’m actually watching criminal minds for like the 6th time again while I do my laboratory work. 


Awwwwww yayyy, it’s so good to hear that you plan on finishing the book, but by all means TAKE YOUR TIME BOO you do you and take all the time you need. We are all hear for you and love you, we got your back! Cant wait for more chapters and different content in the future from you. You got this 


Happy Anniversary to CMM! 
          Hello great readers of mine, I hope you all are well! I know it's been a long time since I've uploaded, and for that I'm sorry. School has and will always be my priority, and I'm getting my butt worked with a new academic year starting. 
          I know this hiatus is rough since I'm not active on here or responding to comments anymore, but I hope you know that one day I will be back with a new chapter! I'm just really busy at the moment, so thank you all for your understanding and patience :)
          I hold CMM dearly to my heart and hope to one day finish the story with justice and an amazing ending that it deserves. Until then, I hope you all enjoy rereading chapters and look forward to what's to come in the future. Writing will always be a passion and I will finish this story no matter how long it takes me to write it. 
          Happy anniversary to this wonderful story and thank you all for being here for the ride. No matter if you were here in the beginning or just found the book, thank you for giving it a chance <3
          See you in the next update, whenever that is!
          - xQueenx


Girl. Relax. Take your time, focus on school. Cause you are very much right that school comes first. I am happy rereading all the chapters over and over again. I’m actually watching criminal minds for like the 6th time again while I do my laboratory work. 


Quick Recap of my stream because I'm late to something I forgot about:
          1. I'm dealing with burnout in a lot of things in my life (writing, school, personal life) and because of that I've been taking a step back from writing because I don't want to post bad chapters.
          2. I'm not too sure where CMM is going anymore, I feel like it's draining me and I'm no longer enjoying the process of the chapters. I'm not even too sure how CMM the original is going to be written now. Crime isn't something I think I'll be continuing, but Mystery is still a genre I love and will hopefully work out a way to get into the plot of CMM the original.
          3. Lots of things are happening in my personal life and sadly it's effecting my writing schedule. Because of this, I don't think CMM will be finished this year like I planned. I don't know when I'll be uploading next, so please continue to have patience with me and I appreciate all of you :)
          4. Again, I'm only one person. I don't have time anymore to sit down and dedicate 5 hours solely to writing. I wish I could, but sadly writing isn't a career that I have in mind. Until then, I ask again for your patience. Thank you all so much for the kind words and for those who reached out to me :)


Take your time. Im a little disappointed that I won’t get anymore chapters, but I can spend my time reading the chapter that are uploaded over and over again. Like I said take your time. Figure things out. 


          I've been getting more messages about my fanfic being copied or people taking my OC as their own. Please, do not do this! I do not mind if you want to take inspiration from my work, but do not copy it! 
          I know updates are slow, and unfortunately that's the case for the time being duet to school and my personal life issues. I thank you guys for being  so understanding, but please do not message me over and over asking about an update if I've already answered you once that I'm currently busy. I know it's frustrating to wait, but I promise I'm doing my best to find time to work on the new chapters in any free time I can spare. I am stressed out already and seeing all these messages on why I haven't updated is stressing me out and I know it's not intentional from the people asking, that's why I'm saying it now so it can stop for the time being :)
          I will try to update soon, but please be patient with me. Have a wonderful month of March <3
          See you in the next update, hopefully soon!


          Today, I've had three people link me other accounts that have been writing my chapters as their own, and just changing the characters name. I've messaged those authors privately, but please do not do this! Not only are you taking my work as your own, but you're also forgetting that I DO NOT own criminal minds! Some of the authors were not crediting CM correctly, and I don't want to get anyone in trouble! 
          Please do not copy my work. I don't want to take drastic measures, but I can and will start privating my fanfiction even with it not being complete. I will private it and then publish it when it's done :)


@Angel_Thursday It sucks, but for the most part a lot of it is done on accident or without their knowledge :)
            So far I've gotten through to some people about the plagarism, so I'm hoping it stops because I love writing and I don't want it to be a thing that stresses me out.


@xxQueenPowerxx I'm so sorry this has happened. Some people have no pride as a fanfic consumer. :(