
Thank you, Toriyama.
          	I never thought that this day would come. Akira Toyirama seemed immortal in my head. It was as if he was eternal, and the thought of him leaving forever saddens me like nothing has before. I don’t do this to get attention. I do this as a celebration for the legend in human skin. The man who started it all. The man who is immortal, not in body but in the ways he shaped the entire world around us.
          	No one has gotten close to what he has managed to pull off. From the bottom of my heart, I’m thanking him. He’s the reason that I decided to give Naruto a try, which caused me to watch all of Anime. It was the reason that a young black man from Memphis, Tennessee got dreams to one day go to Japan and see the culture that created and shaped the authors of my favorite works. It is the reason that I wanted to become a writer in the first place and why I have written Fanfiction since 2019 when I was 15 years old.
          	Thank you, Akira Toriyama.
          	Rest in the heavens.


@yaboyassassin I'm honestly shocked life is so unpredictable I can't even put my feelings into words there's no doubt he's well rested in the heavens 


Thank you, Toriyama.
          I never thought that this day would come. Akira Toyirama seemed immortal in my head. It was as if he was eternal, and the thought of him leaving forever saddens me like nothing has before. I don’t do this to get attention. I do this as a celebration for the legend in human skin. The man who started it all. The man who is immortal, not in body but in the ways he shaped the entire world around us.
          No one has gotten close to what he has managed to pull off. From the bottom of my heart, I’m thanking him. He’s the reason that I decided to give Naruto a try, which caused me to watch all of Anime. It was the reason that a young black man from Memphis, Tennessee got dreams to one day go to Japan and see the culture that created and shaped the authors of my favorite works. It is the reason that I wanted to become a writer in the first place and why I have written Fanfiction since 2019 when I was 15 years old.
          Thank you, Akira Toriyama.
          Rest in the heavens.


@yaboyassassin I'm honestly shocked life is so unpredictable I can't even put my feelings into words there's no doubt he's well rested in the heavens 


Hey just wondering if there gonna a be a update for Dying Crow soon?


Yes there will be. Right now, I’m trying to get power levels down so that I can figure out who Itachi can and can’t beat and how his abilities will interact with the world. JJK is complicated so I’m taking my time and getting a story together. Sorry for the wait.


Hey, just curious is there gonna be an update for Obito redemption anytime soon in the future?


@yaboyassassin hope your doing well and that you’re taking  care of yourself. Your physical and mental health are important.


Yea I have a sequel out but life is kicking my butt so I’m lacking in both confidence and inspiration with my works. I appreciate your support.


Hey, do you know if you’ll be updating your Kakashi in Demon Slayer any time soon? Or Neji in HxH?


Yes, unfortunately I am going to completely rewrite both stories. I’ve completely overhauled writing that particular Kakashi story for now until I finish some of the others with him as the main character. As for Neji, I realized that the way he’s been drawn into the world was too artificial and that I need a better way to connect him to the world that fits within his character arc. So, as for now, both stories are in waiting.




            If it were up to me I would go the harem (just between Mei and Yuki) route but that would just be me being a horny degenerate with any regard for the plot.
            But If i were to pick i would pick Mei Mei. 
            She's hot.
            Peak Grade 1 aka Strong but not op.
            Itachi would contrast well with his selfless self sacrificing nature vs her selfish nature.
            Their treatment Towards their brothers also contrasts as well.
            And you could create a good dynamic out of that and make itachi teach her to do better.
            Still alive so you wouldn't have to worry about that.


@Randomguy01010 No Lie now I’m conflicted


            I'm conflicted 
            Mei Mei is better looking imo (dommy mommy) but she's also Mei Mei....and there's zero stories 
            Yuki is just a tad bit below her in terms of look but actually has a good Personality 