
50k on inside my mind!!!!
          	this is awesome!!!
          	thanks so much for all the support and reading my work, it means so much to me.
          	Love you all!!


I just finished your stiles book and omg I'm hooked!
          I really love it!


@the0neand0nlyH0E today i'll be rereading what i've written so far so i can begin the next chapter!! keep an eye out ;)


@the0neand0nlyH0E thanks so much for the support and sweet comments they mean so much to me!!! more than surviving will be continued as soon as possible, most likely in June when I'm free to write as much as possible with no school holding me back. thanks again!!!


Shameless promoting right here folks
          If you love Percy Jackson, please check out my new book "more than surviving." It keeps the storyline of the original books but also adds in my two new heroes with their own plotline. 
          Little sneak peak of chapter 1:
          Nicholas rested his head back on the glass, but this time kept his gaze on the view outside. Green grass, long stretches of fields and small weeds at the edges of brown fences. Some animals are herded in groups, maybe feeding. He blinked once, and when he reopened them, in the centre of the group, a larger thing stood tall on all fours.
          It was too big to be natural, fur covering it head to toe, all apart from the horns curling in on themselves. 
          He blinked again, only for it to have disappeared into thin air.
          A few years ago, he would've jumped. Maybe even cried at the sight. But now... Now it was normal. 
          Normal to see these things when no one else seemed to. 
          Hesitantly, he glanced at his sister, to see her staring straight ahead with a blank expression. 
          Which obviously meant she was thinking hard about something. 
          The boy thought about telling her about the creature he saw, before realising maybe it wasn't the best idea to give her something else to worry about. 
          He took in a deep breath before trying to settle in his seat again, only for a piece of ham to get thrown above his head.